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Serena Santiago was seen glancing at her look-alike in absolute shock, gaping at her speechlessly.

Mallory smirks at her duplicate. "So, you're my boyfriend's new girl?"

Mallory's finger then caressed Serena's throat, going around her neck, the Siphonic Witch pulling away from her.

"You're actually really pretty, but then again...you look like me so." Mallory smirks.

Serena sighs out, closing her eyes then opening them back in irritation. "Leave."

"Oh, but i can't, you're my lighter half and i'm your darker half, where light is, darkness tends to follow, doesn't it?" Mallory smirks.

Serena frowns her dark brows at her. "What does that even mean?"

"You know, i thought roaming all around the world, he would've picked up something, but, i guess not." Mallory tsked.

"But...if you wanna know, i'm not telling you so easily." Mallory poked the top of her nose.


At the highschool, Allison Argent was seen walking through the halls, her then stopping in her tracks when she saw her girlfriend's body pressed against her locker, one of Erica's hand rested against her head, lightly tapping her fingernails against the cold metal, her blue eyes glancing at the brunette girl.

Allison then quickly turned away, her walking away from them.

"You're one of Derek's Beta, aren't you?" Sabrina distastefully asks.

"Going to break our friendship because of that?" Erica pouts.

"Why him? Really? You could most certainly do better." Sabrina had a grim expression on her face.

Erica trailed her claws up the Latina's shoulder, going to her neck, but before she could go any further Sabrina took a hold onto her wrist, which made her amused, not feeling any pain.

But, then, Erica's gasped out in pain, feeling immense pain.

Sabrina's hand glowed a bright red color, the power slowly draining from Erica's body.

Sabrina then quickly let go, grinning at her. "Try going for someone who's actually available."

Sabrina then walked away from Erica, who breathlessly sighed out, looking at Sabrina, scoffing lightly with an amused glance.


Allison was seen closing her locker door, looking at someone with a smile.

"I'm not jealous, i don't get jealous." Allison smiles.

"Oh, i didn't say you were, i'm just saying- wait...since you brought it up, that means...you are!" Sabrina softly gasped.

Allison shook her head, humming at her. "Nope."

Sabrina then went to walk away but got stopped by Allison. "Wait, where are you going?"

"I have Math." Sabrina states.

"D-don't you...don't you have that with um...Erica?" Allison stammers.

Sabrina shrugs. "Why?"

Allison then dragged Sabrina into an empty but dark classroom with her, her closing the door.

Allison took a hold onto her face, deeply and passionately kissing her, pushing her against the closed the door.

"Skip it, stay with me." Allison whispers out aggressively, caressing her face.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora