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At the Beacon Hills High School, outside the school's parking lot, Allison Argent was seen walking near the parking lot, only to see her girlfriend nearby her car.

Allison hesitated, she wondered if she should go and talk to her, but she then saw her talking with a man, whom she recognized very well, nearby her car.

Allison just walked away, without saying anything, the brunette stared at the two for a while then got into car.

Sabrina awkwardly smiled at the Werewolf, looking at him.

"Is this because of me throwing you out of my window?" Sabrina curiously asked.

"Are you afraid of me?" Derek asked.

"No." Sabrina scoffed.

Derek just smugly smirked at the teen-witch. "Then why are you moving?"

"Because, i want to move, why, is that a problem?" Sabrina sassily snapped at him.

"It's true, i mean, why should you be afraid, the same girl that tried to set fire to Jackson and her girlfriend, right?" Derek smirked.

Sabrina gaped at them, then glared at him.

"Are you threatening me?"

"You'd know if i was threatening you." Derek calmly says.

His face leaned in close to her, his hand on the side of head, his claws lightly tapping on the side of her dark tinted glass.

Derek then roughly pushed his face forward, making the girl slightly jump, moving away from him, which made him slightly chuckle.

"Don't do that." She states.

Derek then smirked. "You're afraid of me, aren't you?"

Sabrina then scoffed. "No."

She then looked at the side of her car door, Derek rolling his eyes at her.

"Relax, i didn't scratch your car." Derek rolled his eyes.

"I don't like you." Sabrina snapped, giving him a distrustful glance.

"Really? Is that why you helped me from off of the road?" Derek smirked tauntingly.

Sabrina just scoffed. "It's called being 'humane', Derek."


That same day, out in the preserve, Allison was seen practicing archery, just to pass time, to distract herself, from a conversation she knew she'd have to have one day with a certain person.

She roughly pulled the trigger, releasing it, shooting the arrow, making it soar through the air.

The short raven haired latina that was out in the preserve had seen the arrow coming at her.

She then put her hand up, stopping the arrow in mid air, her gasping out breathlessly, her inspecting the black arrow, knowing it's Allison's.

She then heard someone coming and quickly threw the arrow without touching it.

Allison thinking she had hit something, was seen come running, but when she saw the arrow on the ground, she picked it up, frowning in confusion.

"I swear i hit something." Allison whispered confused.

Sabrina was seen behind a tree, her head poking out, her raven hair hanging on her shoulders, her gaping at the sight, thinking Allison was really going to shoot her.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now