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"Everything! Everything...was to protect you two."

Serena scoffs, finding it unbelievable that their father choose those words.

"But, what you two will be doing, will be the future for us." Roman's eyes lit up.

Serena scoffs. "Yeah, and that clearly shows when one of us kills the other."

"Don't be so emotional, Rena." Roman sighed out, rolling his eyes at the long haired teen.

Roman then looked at his short haired daughter, who stood by her sister.

"You understand, right?" Roman then looked at his other.

"Isn't there any other way to reverse this? She's my sister!" Sabrina had an uneasy look on her face.

Roman sighed out in frustration, him going towards his daughter, taking a hold of her shoulders.

"Let go of the friendship, the sister bond, any kind of relationship you have, because, it doesn't matter when you going to war, do you understand?" Roman carelessly says.

"Taking this a little too far, aren't you?" Sabrina awkwardly laughs.

Roman then held onto her hand and Serena's.

"You two are so special, you two are chosen, and i hope...you won't be distracted from your responsibilities?" Roman gave them both looks.

Serena couldn't help but feel like it seemed more a threat than advice.

Serena then pulled her hand away, her taking Sabrina's hand away.

"We better get to school." Serena avoids, taking her sister's hand in hers, them walking away.


Outside the Beacon Hills' High School, Scott and Stiles was seen talking about the rave tonight, which they needed to get in to make the plan to catch Jackson successful.

"There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott asks Stiles.

"It's a secret show, there's only one way...and it's a secret." Stiles says in an obvious tone.

Scott gave Stiles a look, that clearly says 'you're not helping', the Stilinski shrugging at them.

Matt then approached the two, Stiles not bothering to hide his dislike towards the Daehler.

"Hey..." Matt trailed off.

Matt had seen Serena Santiago talking and smiling with her boyfriend, Sebastian Blackstone.

Erica Reyes passing by Allison Argent and Sabrina Santiago, Erica giving the raven haired girl a smile, her smiling back at her, which the brunette didn't approve.

"Yeah, she acknowledged you." Allison says in a bitchy tone.

"Allison, please, stop." Sabrina sighed out, a stressed expression on her face.

"Yeah, stop, Allison, jealousy doesn't look good on you." Erica teased.

Allison glared at the blonde, who blew a kiss at her.

"Bye, Bree." Erica smoothly says, strutting away.

Allison glares at Erica, placing a jealous kiss onto Sabrina's cheek, taking a hold of her jaw.

This was a scene Matt didn't want to see, not the love of his life being affectionate towards someone else.

"What, Matt?" Stiles snapped, pulling him out of his dream.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now