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At the Beacon Hills High School, inside the principal office, Sabrina Santiago was seen walking inside the office.

The raven haired latina expected to see the principal she had met the first of school, but instead met with an way older man.

This is someone she has never seen in her entire life.

So, how is he here?

Who even is this guy?

"Uh, hi? Do you know where principal Thomas is?" Sabrina curiously asked.

"He had a transfer, were you expecting him?" The unknown man asked.

"Uh...yeah." Sabrina says in an obvious tone.

"I asked for you, come in." The man says.

Sabrina frowned her dark brows at the man, her hesitantly stepping inside.

"Don't be shy, Ms. Santiago, come on." The man encouraged.

Sabrina awkwardly smiled then walked inside, taking a seat.

"Sabrina, Bree, or Ms. Santiago? Which one do you like best?" The man asked politely.

"Uh, Bree's good..."

"But, uh, do i know you?" Sabrina asked confused.

The man, whose name is Gerard Argent, just looked at her with a smirk.

"Gerard Argent."

Sabrina's eyes then widened at the man's name.

"You're related to Allison?" Sabrina curiously asked.

"How about you tell me your little secret?"

"I don't have any secrets." Sabrina lied.

"Oh, so, you didn't try to harm those girls using your mind?" Gerard questioned.

"As if this naive town is going to believe something like that." Sabrina scoffed.

"I'm not threatening you." Gerard states.

"I don't know that, i don't know you." Sabrina says.

"You're dating my granddaughter, don't you think you should be a little nice to her grandfather?" Gerard asked calmly.

"Okay...that definitely sounded like a threat." Sabrina then says.

"I'm not here to threaten you, Witch." Gerard assures.

Sabrina tilted her head at the man, smirking at him.

"Why do you say 'Witch' like it's a bad thing?" Sabrina smirked.

"By the way, the correct term is 'Siphoner'." Sabrina then corrected.


"These past few weeks, must've been hard for you at school, wasn't it?" Gerard asked walking into Allison's room, that evening.

"It was okay." Allison simply commented, shrugging at him.

"I heard your girlfriend spelled two girls, and it was all for you, do you know that?" Gerard asked.

"Well, Bree's always doing her own thing, you know, not really accustomed doing what is told, she always takes a different route." Allison nervously smiled.

"Well, you should be careful with a girl like that, especially with what she is, especially when she becomes... unhinged." Gerard advised.

Allison then sighed out, a look of annoyance on her face. "I'm tired of everyone telling me to be careful."

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt