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Deaton's eyes blinked rapidly at an unconscious Derek Hale, whom seemed to be aged backwards. "Wow."

Stiles hopefully looks at the man. "Wow? As in 'i've seen this before and i know exactly what to do', that kind of 'wow'? 'cause that's the kind of 'wow' we're hoping for."

Deaton lightly chuckles. "I think you're over underestimating my abilities."

"And you underestimating your own." Sabrina states. "Can you tell us why would Kate do this to him?"

"Is this permanent?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate, this is well beyond my experience." Deaton then states.

Sabrina's tan skinned fingers grazed across Derek's palms, her immediately feeling such a cold feeling running through her veins, her softly gasping. "He's so cold, how can he be so cold?"

"Why would Kate do this to him?" Serena questions the man.

"Knowing Kate, it probably won't be a good reason for anyone else, but her." Deaton then says.

"Well, what do we do with him?" Scott then asks.

"For now? He's probably better off here, it's safer for him." Deaton states.

"You mean, safer than Kate?" Scott questions.

"You guys should go home, he doesn't seem to be in any danger, ...you guys should rest, it's school tomorrow, isn't it?" Deaton advised. "You guys should be taking care of your own lives."

"It's smart if someone stays with you." Sabrina suggests.

"No, i know what you're saying, and the answer is 'no'." Serena demands.

"Bree's right, someone should stay with you." Scott agrees.

"I'll stay." Sabrina states.

"No." Serena demands.

"Come on, Rena, i have to!" Sabrina says frustrated, her then looking at Deaton. "T-to protect him."

"No, you're coming home with me and that's-." Serena was saying, holding onto wrist tightly, the Siphoner swallowing her pain she was feeling.

Scott then quickly jumped in. "Bree's right, someone should stay, just in case Kate comes for him."

"Thank you." Sabrina whispers, sighing out.

"Just call us if anything happens, okay?" Scott says.

"She'll be fine." Scott says, looking at Serena, who just looks at her sister, her then reluctantly leaving.

Scott following after Serena and Stiles, him then looking at Sabrina, him seeing her covering her wrist, his other hand hovering over teenage Derek's hand, Scott frowning his brows at her.


"How's he doing?" Sabrina asks in a concerning tone, her seeing Deaton observing teenage Derek.

"How are you doing?" Deaton questions.

Sabrina confusingly looks at him with a blank stare. "What do you mean?"

Deaton eyed her wrist that she was holding. "Is there something wrong?"

"I guess Rena was holding my wrist a little too tight." Sabrina sighs out.

"Um, is Derek okay?" Sabrina asks.

"Well, his heart rate is alarmingly high." Deaton states.

Sabrina placed her hand in Derek's. "He's warm."

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now