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A phone was placed against Scott's ear, his dark brown brows frowning in confusion, after getting a call from his best friend.


It was clearly what confused him even more.

"Are you there? Stiles?"

Stiles heavily breaths out from the end. "...yeah, i'm here."

Scott frowns. "Is everything okay?"

"Scott, i don't–––i don't know how i got here, i think i was sleepwalking–––."

"Um, okay, can you see anything? Just tell me what you see." Scott worriedly says.

"I-it's dark, i can't seen anything and i think something wrong with my l-." Stiles was saying.

The line was heard going dead, Scott then frowning, whilst pulling the phone away from his ear, him then dialing it the number again, which send him to voicemail, he tried again and he heard the same thing, then he tried once more...

"Stiles–––come on, come on, come on..." Scott whispers hopefully.

Scott then heard the call being connected. "...Stiles??"

"I don't think i can move, i can't get out of here." Stiles panics.

"Where are you?" Scott repeats the question from before.

"I don't know, i don't know, i really don't–––it's too dark, i can't see much and i think something's wrong with my leg, it's stuck on something...i-i think it's–––bleeding."

Scott's dark brown eyes showed worry. "How bad is it?"



"...how bad is it?" Scott worriedly asks.

"Ah! There's some kind of smell down here, it's brutal, my eyes are watering." Stiles groans.

Scott then deeply exhales. "All right, here's what i'm going to do, i'm gonna call your dad-."

Stiles' voice picked up in nervousness. "No, no, don't! Don't call him."

Scott then sighs out. "No, i really think i should call your dad."

"P-please, no, no, don't, okay? Please, promise me you won't call him, he already worries about me too much, you can find me, he doesn't have to know." Stiles anxiously whispers.

"Stiles, i don't think-." Scott was saying, feeling conflicted.

"I gotta go, i gotta turn off my phone." Stiles then whispers.

"No! No! Stiles, wait, wait, hold on, just, wait a sec-." Scott calls out, but then heard the call being disconnected.

Scott then groaning in frustration.

Scott was then seen getting up from his bed, rushing out of his room, with his phone in his hands, him then going towards Isaac's room, shaking the Lahey.

"Wake up, get dress, it's Stiles." Scott impatiently says.

Isaac flutters his eyes open, frowning sleepily at the McCall. "What's wrong with Stiles.

Scott sucked in a nervous breath. "I don't know, i really don't know."


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