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Serena Santiago walked through the slightly darkened woods, her passing trees as she went her way, her then jumping on a hill, using her vamp-speed.

Sabrina Sabrina, whom was walking in front of her sister, grins amusingly, hearing a sound behind her, knowing exactly what she just did.

"Tired?" Sabrina amusingly smirks.

"Can you tell me why you dragged me out six in the morning to the woods?" Serena sighs out.

"That thing that attacked Malia in the woods that night, it's called a 'berserker', i saw it in the bestiary." Sabrina states.

"...and you assumed that we'd go hunting for that thing?" Serena questions, staring at her in disbelief.

"Why else would we be here?" Sabrina scoffs, sarcasm dripping from her tongue. "Looking for a dead body?"

Serena shrugs, mumbling out. "Well, Kate's been out of control and she did kill that attendant, i won't be surprise if we find a couple of bodies..."

"So have i been, maybe we could be best friends." Sabrina sarcastically smiles, glancing at Serena.

Serena gave her an annoyed glance, the Siphoner shrugging with a smile.

"Shh." Serena then whispers.

"Why should i be quite?" Sabrina scoffs at her.

Serena grabbed onto her arm, giving her an annoyed look, lowly hissing. "Would you stop joking around for just one second!"

"Ease up, would you?" Sabrina groans, pulling her hand away.

Sabrina observed her sister's expression, her seeing her head slightly turning to left, her ears perking up. "Are you hear- what are you hearing? Are you sensing something?"

"...death." Serena whispers quietly, mumbling through her finger that was on her lips.

Sabrina frowns her dark brows. "Th-that's the same thing Malia had-."

A low ferocious growl was heard coming from behind the Latina sisters, both girls looking at each other, then slowly turning around to look at where the growl came from.

The Berserker growls at the teens, his eyes fill with nothing, as if all emotions has been washed away from their soul.

The Berserker rushed towards the girls, him aiming at Sabrina, but Serena tugs the girl by her arm, her softly gasping out, eyes widening in shock, her feeling her body hit the ground, landing on her side, wincing slightly.

But then---the Berserker got itself knocked down, ocean blue eyes filled with shock, breathing out, looking at his girlfriend. "Are you okay?"

"I..." Serena trails off in a whisper, her light brown eyes seeing her sister, whimpering in pain.

"Run, now!" Sebastian grabbed onto Serena's hand, vamp speeding away from the scene.


"What do you mean, 'Bree's there', i didn't see her."

Serena scoffs. "I saw her, she's still there, what if the Berserker got to her?"

"But, i didn't see a sight of her..." Sebastian confusingly says, him then sighing out. "I probably should go for her..."

Serena then sighs, shaking her head. "M-maybe, she left, you know?"

"Rena, that's your sister, what if she got hurt-." Sebastian was saying.

"You're right! Bree's my sister, she's a Santiago, we know how t-." Serena was saying, but then got cut off by a horrifying female scream that somewhere echoed through her ears.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now