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A fierce look was placed onto Sebastian's face, his light blue eyes staring right at Void Stiles, who raised a challenging brow at the Vampire, fangs that were sharp and pointy was seen protruding from his mouth, a low growl escaping his mouth, dark veins crawling up his face, his eyes turning dark, his mouth slowly opening, causing a hissing growl to escape, him vamping towards the Nogitsune.

The Nogitsune wasted no time in wrapping a hand around the teen-vamp's throat, gripping onto either sides. "You teenagers are so naive." The Nogitsune then threw Sebastian aside, the light blue eyed teenager was seen sliding across the floors, his back hitting a wall.

"Who's next?" Void Stiles smirks evilly.

"Oh, lovely!" Void Stiles grins, seeing Derek rushing at him, his fangs exposed, claws flickers out.

Void Stiles then roughly hooked a arm around his, twisting him around, shoving his fist into his back, the Hale groaning out, him then shoving him aside, crashing him into a table.

Void Stiles then looks over at the latina. "Oh! You were so right about him! He's definitely an impulsive idiot."

Void then raised a brow at Stilinski, who walked towards him with a pair of handcuffs. "You're going to handcuff me?"


Sheriff Stilinski then hooked the handcuffs around Void Stiles' wrist. "If my son is still in there–––if there's a part of him standing in front of me, then, he'll let me put these on willingly, and come with me, because, he knows i'm here to protect him, from his self and others."

The Sheriff then took a step back, Void looking at the cuffs, then slowly looking up at Stilinski with a hard cold look, then without flinching breaking his self free from the cuffs.

"...you're not my son."

Allison then points a weapon at Void, shooting electricity at him, him then grabbing onto a bolt, twisting it aside, an angry look on his face, then making it disappear through his hands, Allison stepping back in shock.

Void then went to take a step towards the group, his brows then frowning, whilst tilting his head, not seeing a person.

Void then felt a warm set of palms touching his shoulders, setting across a feeling of discomfort, feeling a sudden rush of weakness, him groaning out tiredly.

"Bree?" Stiles whimpers.

Sabrina quickly stops what she was doing and lightly steps back, blinking at him. "...stiles?"

Void Stiles then turns around to look at the girl, him tearfully looking at her, whilst nodding.

"...bree?" Allison whispers, not really trusting that this was really Stiles.

Argent grabbed onto his gun, slowly holding it up.

Void Stiles then smirks at her, chuckling darkly, Sabrina gasping out, grabbing onto his wrist, Void's hand grabbing onto her arm, her gasping out, grunting weakly but painfully, feeling something spiking through her mind, the girl then stumbling backwards.

Argent's gun was heard being clicked, Sheriff then looking at him with wide eyes. "Argent, no! Don't do this!"

"Why not? I've done it before, Werewolves, Berserkers–––i could easily add a Nogitsune to the list." Argent shrugs.

"You're not going to shoot my son!" Sheriff yells.

"You already said it, he's not your son." Argent replies.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang