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The navy blue colored car that belonged to Sabrina Santiago was seen driving alongside the darkened roads of Beacon Hills, the thick black colored wheels was seen sliding smoothly across the paved roads.

Sabrina's dark orbs was seen staring straight ahead, as she continued to drive through the town, but then tires screeching ahead was heard coming from her car.

The girl threw herself back onto the seat, her shoulder length raven hair swiping across her shoulders, a soft gasp passing through her lips.

Her dark orbs staring at something in the middle of the road in shock.

Her raven colored brows frowning in confusion and shock, looking at something right before her eyes.

A profusely bleeding out and deep slashed wounded Derek Hale was seen staggering in front of her car, then falling onto the road, her pulling back in shock.


Out in the Beacon Hills preserve, Serena Santiago was seen walking through the darkened forest, her walking in a fast pace, as if trying to get away from someone, her lighter shade of brown eyes glancing back, looking at someone who was following after her.

"I don't want to talk." Serena states.

Serena then felt a hand being wrapped around her arm, spinning her around, her eyes looking right at blue eyed brunette.

The latina then pulled away from the teen-vamp, taking baby steps away from him.

Hurt and confusion swirl in her blue eyes, frowning at the girl.

"Are you afraid of me?"  Sebastian asked.

"No." Serena answered.

The raven haired sixteen year old teen-witch slowly took a couple steps back as the brunette seventeen year old teen-vamp walked closer.

"Then why are you stepping back?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm not afraid, i'm just... overwhelmed, come on, do you have any idea what i am? Why should i be afraid?" Serena scoffed, giving an eye roll.

Out in depths of the forest, nearby a river, where the young Vampire and young Witch was...

"If i tell you something, will you still be here? Forever?" Sebastian's softly asked.

"Whatever you have to say, won't ever change the way how i feel about you." Serena promised.

The latina then place a sweet and longing kiss on his cheek, a cute smile being formed on her face after she pulled away, her coffee colored eyes shinning brightly into his blue piercing colored ones.

Serena then sighed out, remembering that day. "I remember..."

"Then, tell me, tell me nothing's going to change the way how you feel about me." He states, a pleading look in his eyes.

"I-i can't!" She says frustrated and conflicted.

"Why not? Because you don't love me?" He frowned.

"Wh-what? No-." She was saying, stammering out.

"You don't love me?" He frowned.

"I-i didn't say- okay...look, you don't know how my family is, okay?" Serena then puffed out a sigh.

"My dad, he really hates your kind, like really really hates your kind."

"Then, let me handle him." Sebastian promised.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now