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Night time, at the Santiago's residence, inside Sabrina Santiago's bedroom, the short haired ravenette teenager was seen asleep in her room, the covers close to her, a peaceful look on her face.

A window to the room was seen opened out, the cold breeze brewing through, the dark blue curtain swinging back and forth.

A tall female figure, wearing an all black outfit, long dark brown hair swaying gently, her seen slowly walking towards the bed.

Allison's face was seen coming up, her sitting on the edge of the bed, a serious look on her face as she looked down at her sleeping girlfriend.

Allison's hand slowly and hesitantly went towards Sabrina's face, touching her face oh, so, gently.

Allison then caressed her face, gently caressing her tan skin, Allison's dark brown eyes looking down at her.

Allison's eyes slightly widened as she saw Sabrina moving a little, her quickly deciding to make her escape.

Sabrina frowned her dark brows, her quickly sitting up, feeling something–––

Sabrina's dark orbs then glanced around, her turning around, looking around the room.


Sabrina then sighs out, scoffing at herself. "Oh, i'm losing it, i'm even hallucinating about her."

Sabrina lightly laughs, her then lying back on the bed.

Outside the window, there was Allison, with her back against the wall, deeply breathing out.


Sabrina was seen getting into her car, her turning on the engine, going to drive off, but then glanced through the rearview mirror, her seeing a pair of familiar blue eyes, which made her slightly jump.

"Hello, Bree." Argent greets.

"... how'd you get in my car?" Sabrina concerningly asks.

"I need your help." Argent worriedly says.

"... how'd you get in my car?" Sabrina repeats.

"I have my ways, but, i really need your help." Argent quickly says.

Sabrina then sighed out, shaking her head. "Yeah, i can't help you."

"Even if it concerns Allison?" Argent suggests.

Sabrina then saw Argent climbing in her passenger seat, her sarcastically smiling at him.

"Gerard is twisting his way into her head, just like what he did with Kate, i'm losing her and i know you are too." Argent says in worry.

"And my father has tried to make her believe that you and Derek got something, he says Derek's been brainwashing you." Argent states.

Sabrina scrunched up her face in disgust. "Him? Really? That impulsive idiot?"

"Seriously?" Argent asks her in disbelief.

"Will you help me?" Argent hoped.

"Hm, okay." Sabrina then smiles.


"I have an idea..."

Sebastian smiles to Serena, Serena listening to him with a confusing smile.

"It's simple, Bree doesn't have to worry about losing you and you don't have to worry about losing her." Sebastian informs.

"...okay." Serena says confusingly.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now