🌠001; NEW TOWN

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It was a very glorious Wednesday morning, the sky seemed even brighter than before, the sun shined the brightest it has ever shined before.

A silver Benz was seen pulling up in front of a school building that was labelled as 'Beacon Hills High School'.

The dark glass of the car window was seen being send down, a latino man in the driver's seat, dark hair and dark brown orbs.

In the passenger seat was a latina woman, long dark hair with dark brown eyes.

And in the backseat was two younger latina's.

One with long dark hair, eyes a lighter shade of brown.

The other with short shoulder length dark hair, her eyes dark and mysterious.

"This is a new town, filled with oblivious minds, no one's ever going to find out about our secret, i mean, what's the worse that can happen?"

Isabella Santiago agreeing with her husband, gave them both assuring looks.

Sabrina and Serena Santiago just looked at each other, Serena seeming more excited than Sabrina.

Sabrina blew a sigh out of nervousness, her eyes on the building.


Inside the school building, going straight inside the English class, there was a latino boy that seemed about sixteen years of age, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, who goes by the name of Scott McCall, whom was sitting in a chair, not really thinking about anything, until he heard talking.

Voices, that seemed in far distance, but he could've heard it clearly.

"Bree, come on, it's just a another new town, what's there to be nervous about? Remember, if we don't like it, we could move? I mean, what's the harm of trying something new?"

The voice of a female entered Scott's ears, this made the McCall confused, then he heard another voice.

"I'm not nervous, i'm just curious, i mean, when has any town seemed normal?"

Scott then glanced at his best friend, who had honey brown eyes, a buzzcut hair style, pale skin, who goes by the name of Stiles Stilinski.

Stiles stared at his best friend confused and strangely.


Going inside the principal office was the principal himself, where he saw a fair-skinned, dark brown eyed, brunette girl, who seemed like she was waiting forever.

"Sorry, to keep you waiting." The principal apologized.

"You're in luck." The principal says, confusing the brunette.

"How so?" The brunette asked confused.

"Well, you don't seem to be the only new students...Santiago." The principal frowned his brows, reading something in a paper.

The principal then heard sounds of footsteps ascending closer, then looked up, seeing the two sixteen year old latina girls.

"There they are." The principal states.

The brunette, whose name is Allison Argent stared at both raven haired girls, more specifically the short haired one, a little smile appeared on her face.

Sabrina didn't notice her since her eyes roamed around the office, but Serena did notice.

Serena nudged her sister with a smile.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ