Jeongin, Chan x Skz-> worthless

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Little: Jeongin, Chan
Caregiver: Skz

Plot: Jeongin came out as a little a few months ago and now Chan wants to come out too, but the moment he does, he gets called a liar and attention seeker by the other members.

Tw: panic attacks, self-harm (not in the form of cutting), past trauma, blood

I forgot to mention it, bit it was a request from CodyHale_Derek21


"Why did you call a meeting, Innie?" Felix asked curiously and looked at the youngest member, who was sitting I front of them all.

"Because I had something important to tell you. It's a big secret, but I don't think that I can keep it any longe and I'd rather have you hear it from my side, instead of you finding out and hating me after that." He explained.

"You know that if you're gay-" Jeongin shook his head and interrupted Jisung.

"We all know that none of us is straight, but it's a bit more... I'm a little."

The silence that followed was too loud. Changbin and Seungmin looked at each other confused, not knowing what Jeongin meant with that, but the others knew. And Chan knew this too well.

When no one answered, Jeongin silently stood up, ready to leave to room, but Minho quickly wrapped his arm around his waist, pulled him back and sat him on his and Felix's lap.

"Thank you for telling us, Jeongin. No one is mad at you, we're mostly just shocked and don't know what to say." The older said and gently stroked Jeongin's back.

Chan nervously watched the youngest getting treated like a prince. He also wanted that. He also wanted to have enough courage to come clear to his friends, but he knew that it was a bad timing. He knew that they wouldn't believe him.

3 months had passed, since Jeongin came out and there hadn't been any fight about this and Chan was happy for Jeongin. The youngest deserved to be treated like he was a little prince, but he couldn't help it and always felt his heart ache for this same treatment.

"Guys, what was so important that I had to come here immediately?" Cahn asked a bit out of breath, but didn't receive any answer. They all looked at him with mixed emotions that made Chan's stomach twist.

"Care to explain what this is, Hyung?" Minho asked and placed a sippy cup and stuffie on the table. Chan's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that they had found out like this.

"I found this in your room when I was cleaning and I asked Jeongin and he promised that it isn't his. So what have you not been telling us?" Minho asked, slightly angry.

"Please, just ignore it, it's nothing." Chan whispered.

"Hyung, it's pretty low of you to just copy innie. We can give you all the attention we want, but not if you're going to lie about this stuff." Hyunjin said.

Chan couldn't believe it. He had done everything to keep it a secret and now, they were implying that he was doing this for attention?

"How could you be so selfish and do this to Innie? You don't need all the attention on you all the time." Changbin hissed and crossed his arms.

Chan's heart pounded as he ran out of the dorm, the accusations from his friends echoing in his mind. His breath came in shallow gasps, and tears blurred his vision. He found himself in a park near the company building, his sanctuary. Desperate for privacy, he rushed into his studio, slamming the door behind him and locking it.

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