Chapter 120 - Not Us

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

The guards outside Harriet's room sounded every alarm in their reach as they ran up and down the hallway, alerting all the correct authorities to her escape.

Safely hidden under her father's Invisibility Cloak, Harriet slyly made her way out of the corridor and began the long journey to return home, deprived of her wand with no floo chimney in sight.

As she trudged over the muddy ground with her bare feet, she wondered when or if she would see Tom again.

A part of her wasn't entirely certain that she longed for such a reunion.


Tom junior's lips had curled into a pleasant smile as he heard his wife whisper to him in his dream.

Like rising from a deep pool of water, he felt the depth of his rest lessen gradually, until his dark eyes opened, to glance around and realize he laid alone in a strange bed.

…….A hospital bed.

His face twisted into a confused scowl.

He thought about the last moments before he had fallen asleep and wondered how he had come to be in such a place when he had last been next to his wife.

And where was his wife, anyway?

His mother?

His son?

………Had everyone thrown him away like a piece of rubbish?

Confused and irritated, Tom drew in a deep breath as he sat up and stood, albeit a bit ungracefully.

The last thing St. Mungo's staff expected that day was for the door to Tom's room to burst open before their dazed and angry patient stepped out into the world.

"M-Mr. Riddle!" A nurse gasped.

"That's Minister Riddle to you, madam." Tom snapped.

"I'm afraid it's not, sir." The nurse frowned.

"I beg your pardon?" He hissed.

The nurse began to explain, but Tom set off on his journey as soon as she had mentioned what had happened to Harriet.

Healers rushed to reach him, insistent on testing his status after his body had been through that trying ordeal, but Tom would not endure further delays.

With a great cry, he vanished from the hospital, leaving the medical workers around him to blink in admiration.

Not every wizard was able to apparate without a wand.


A rapid journey from one spot to another led Tom junior to find his wife, mother, father, and only living son huddled together in Riddle Manor's parlor.

"Sweetling…….." Tom junior gasped as he charged into the room and rushed towards Harriet with open arms.

Harriet silently decided it would be easier to accept her husband's embrace than push him away and so she let him fold her into his arms as Merope, Tom senior, and Mark all turned their eyes away.

"It's over, Tom." Harriet sighed, "At least it will be soon, she's controlling everything. She's taken it all!" She explained with a bitter laugh.

"Now, now," Tom cleared his throat as Harriet pulled away. He glanced around the room as he spoke, "None of this is her fault."

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