Chapter 62 - Lily's Eyes

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

"Who is it, Mummy?" Mark whispered excitedly as he stood on Hagrid's stoop next to Harriet, beside his older brother.

Harriet ignored his question as she knocked loudly on the wooden door.

A dog's loud bark rang out.

"Fang's still alive!" Harriet exclaimed to herself.

"Who's 'Fang', Mum?" James quietly asked.

"You'll see in a moment." She whispered as she smiled at both of her boys.

The bark was heard again just before heavy footsteps boomed from inside as a gruff voice called out, "I'm comin'! I'm comin'!"

The wooden door swung wide open.

A brilliant smile flashed across Harriet's fair face as she beamed, "Hagrid!"

Her old friend had visibly aged since Harriet had seen him last.

There was more gray in his unkempt beard and wild hair, but the same friendly twinkle glistened in his beady eyes.

"HARRIET!" Hagrid boomed, "Well.........Well, look at ya! Ya could 'ave mentioned ya were comin'! I............" Hagrid stopped as he noticed the small boys beside her.

James tried to look brave while Mark cowered behind him.

Hagrid's size and stature were the epitome of intimidation, but he smiled warmly at the two boys as he identified them based on Harriet's letters, "You lot must be James and Mark!"

"That's right, sir. I'm James....Riddle." James nodded as he introduced himself before he pulled Mark out from behind him, "And this is my brother, Mark Riddle."

Harriet smiled while Hagrid stuck his massive hands out towards the boys and introduced himself in turn, "Well, it's nice to meet the both of ya! I'm Rubeus Hagrid, Hogwart's gamekeeper! I've known your Mum since she was smaller than the both of ya!"

James and Mark laughed while Hagrid shook their small hands with his huge ones.

"Would the three of ya like to come in for some tea?" Hagrid offered as he glanced from the boys to Harriet.

James and Mark looked at their mother hopefully, desperate to learn more about the interesting character they had just met.

"We should find your sister." Harriet frowned at her sons, "I see she's gone missing.......I dunno, I suppose one cup can't hurt. Tea sounds lovely, Hagrid, thanks." She decided.

James and Mark expressed their joy through thankful gasps as they followed their mother into Hagrid's Hut.

While Tom spoke to Dumbledore in his office, Harriet decided to indulge herself in a cup of tea and a bit of reminiscence with her old friend.

Mae's abscense did not worry her.

As the firstborn of Tom's children, Mae would have full charge over the Basilisk and access to the Chamber of Secrets.

Harriet knew no harm would befall her eldest child inside the castle's walls.


Tom had gladly made his children exceedingly aware of their heritage.

Mae fully understood her status as the heir of Slytherin, but instead of seeking out the Chamber of Secrets or the monster within, she amused herself by stalking through the dungeons.

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