Chapter 48 - A Chance?

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Mae's wound failed to heal as the gala approached.

The bruise spread down her elbow and across her forearm while the healers reassured her worried parents it would right itself if they only used a little more salve.

Harriet's belly swelled more with each passing day.

Determined to tease her husband, she hired wizarding Britain's finest seamstress to weave her a set of custom robes for the Ministry's gala.

Merope and Tom senior thoughtfully offered to tend Mae while her parents attended the event, but Tom junior shrugged their kindness aside as an expected gesture.

Harriet expressed her gratitude to her in-laws, though Tom thought she had little reason to be grateful.

Why shouldn't his parents care for his daughter?

What more important matters could they possibly have to tend to than his whims or the needs of his child?

On the night of the gala, Harriet stood in front of her vanity mirror and brushed her dark hair.

Her new, black robes cleverly highlighted her ample cleavage and hinted at her rounded curves.

She had been assured by the seamstress that the colour would taunt her alpha by hinting at her belly.

With her dark hair spilling over her shoulders, Harriet wasn't particularly worried about how others may perceive her, she only wanted to impress Tom with her beauty.

As she leaned towards the mirror and adjusted her glasses, she hoped that her husband would appreciate the efforts she had taken to speed his pulse.


As Harriet walked down the stairs and came to stand in the foyer, she noticed Riddle Manor seemed quieter than usual.

Lawrence's footsteps couldn't be heard.

Merope and Tom senior were presumably in their room, where he often preferred to keep his omega, even during a simple evening of babysitting.

Harriet furrowed her brow as she glanced around and wondered where everyone had gone, including Tom junior.

It happened in a single rush.

By the time Harriet realized hands had grabbed hold of her, she cried out.

One cupped her heavy womb and the other cradled her throat.

Suddenly, she found herself enraptured in the intoxicating smell of her handsome alpha as he began to kiss her exposed neck.

"T-Tom.....?" Harriet gasped while her husband let his hands slip to explore her widened hips.

"You taste as good as you smell, sweetling." Tom whispered huskily in her ear as he nuzzled the most sensitive spot on Harriet's collarbone.

She sucked in a breath as her nipples hardened at the seductive sound of her mate's smooth voice.

"W-We'll be late...." Harriet whispered as Tom's obvious arousal pressed angrily against her leg.

The tremble in her voice dangerously betrayed her eagerness as her instincts urged her to forget the gala and use the raging storm of hormones to lure her alpha into her nest instead.

If she could get Tom upstairs, she could pull him down on top of her and then-

A low growl issued from Tom's throat as he pulled back to scowl at his mate.

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