Chapter 65 - Welcome

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Hagrid stood on the receiving platform a short distance from the castle as he waited for the magical train to pull into the station.

While the minutes passed, he took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time.

The sudden popping noise of someone apparating nearby nearly caused him to leap into the air from surprise.

In one swirling swoosh, Tom stood next to him, tall, distinguished, and glaring intently.

"M-Minister Riddle!" Hagrid cried as he tried to calm himself from the sudden appearance, "W-Wha......Beggin' ya pardon, but how did ya get here?"

"The Minister is more than welcome to apparate to this platform, Hagrid." Tom said with an arrogant smirk, "I've come to assign you a very important task."

Hagrid's heart filled with dread.

Although he had enjoyed every hour spent in Harriet, Ron, and Hermione's company, Tom Riddle had always set his nerves on edge.

"Is Harriet not with ya today?" He asked hopefully as he glanced around, silently wishing his friend would appear.

"I'm afraid she had to return home with our youngest." Tom hissed.

"Oh....." Hagrid nodded.

"The train that comes forward this evening bears no usual load of pupils." Tom went on, "It carries within its compartments my son and daughter. My wife has always trusted you, Hagrid.....Please, won't you do what you can to watch over them? The rewards I can grant in return are handsome, to say the least."

Hagrid nodded down at Tom as he forced a polite smile on his face, "O' course, Minister! I'll be glad to look after 'em! Harriet and I already had a chat when you lot visited some months ago."

"Excellent." Tom smirked, "And if anything or anyone goes missing.....inexplicably....for example, somewhere within the Forbidden won't say a word, will you, Hagrid?"

Hagrid's stomach lurched.

He had known his interaction with Tom had gone far too pleasantly to have been believed.

"I......." Hagrid stammered.

Tom's pleasant smirk quickly shifted into an ominous grimace.

"The Minister for Magic has made a request of you!" He snapped, "Haven't you learned that it's rude to keep your superiors waiting?!"

Hagrid nodded, "Beggin' ya pardon, Minister, but the Forbidden Forest is vast and.......unpredictable, I suppose ya'd say. I can't be expected by anyone to account for everything that happens in it, not even by Dumbledore himself."

Tom gnashed his teeth as Hagrid hurriedly sought to end their awkward exchange, "Ya don' have ta worry about me! I'll keep a close eye on Mae and James........That's their names?"

In a split second, Tom's rage left as he nodded with a smile and replied, "........Yes. Impressive, Hagrid. A man of your intelligence has managed to remember them after a single visit."

Hagrid pushed aside the condescending remark as he nodded, "You can count on me, Minister! I'll look after 'em."

"If my darling wife were beside me now," Tom said with a smirk, "I'm certain she'd add her thanks to mine."

Hagrid nodded again before Tom leapt into the air, assumed broomless flight, and streaked across the sky in a swirling shot of magic.

A frown twisted Hagrid's lips as he listened to the train whistle in the distance.

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