Chapter 28 - Good Parents

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As Monday morning arrived, Tom and Harriet prepared to embark upon the journey back to the castle, though neither really wanted to leave Riddle Manor.

While the trip itself was no issue, due to Tom's ingenious engineering of a magical link he had established between Riddle Manor and the Chamber of Secrets, he was loathe to give up hours he may have spent with his pregnant mate so they could both attend their classes and carry on their usual activities as seventh year students.

The pregnancy changed Harriet's entire lifestyle at school, but Tom stood loyally beside her the entire time.

They had planned to reveal their news only to those who needed to know.

Professor Dumbledore and the rest of the staff were informed about Harriet's condition, yet somehow, the entirety of the student body quickly learned as well.

She and Tom both would have been expelled on the spot, according to Hogwarts' ancient laws enumerated within the hidden texts locked away in Dumbledore's office.

Mercifully, Tom's bargain with the headmaster remained since he had upheld his end of the deal.

Every Hogwarts staff member had been to visit the Chamber of Secrets, though Tom had kept his hidden room concealed with a cloaking spell.

Dumbledore knew the whereabouts of the Basilisk and had made Tom swear a magical oath that he would not use the massive reptile for any sort of harm while he remained a student at the castle.

Tom had smirked at Dumbledore's own slip of words, knowing full well that his status as the heir of Slytherin would not be erased with his graduation, nor would his access to the Chamber of Secrets.

As Hogwarts' first pregnant student, Harriet endured mocking snickers and judgemental looks from her peers whenever Tom was not around.

If Tom sat by her side, the others conveniently kept to their own business, not willing to incur the wrath of such a dangerous young man.

At every available second throughout the day and night though, Tom stayed next to Harriet.

Together, they crept from their beds each evening and snuck down the hallways of the dark castle to meet in the abandoned girls' lavatory and journey to the Chamber of Secrets together.

There, in their secret bedroom, with the Basilisk patrolling outside, they slept in one another's arms until the time came for them to wake.

Tom walked Harriet to each of her classes.

Tom carried her books and supplies.

Tom clasped her hand in his while she made the announcement to the Gryffindor Quidditch team that she could no longer serve as Captain, but a smile had brightened both of their faces when Harriet's teammates decided to come to her rescue.

"Will you still be at our practices and games?" A third year Beater asked with a frown.

Harriet blinked, "I.....I suppose I can, if you want me to......"

"Of course we want you to, Harriet!" A fifth year Chaser chimed in, "We know you can't play anymore, but it just won't be the same if you're not there with us!"

As cheers of agreement broke out across Gryffindor's Quidditch team, a quiet smile of contentment danced on Harriet's lips.

Tom squeezed her hand in his while he proudly straightened his spine at the adoration his mate had won.

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