Chapter 51 - Meeting Brother

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Once the muggle medical team had finished assisting Harriet with the afterbirth, they comfortably settled mother and baby before they left the room to finally give the new family a chance to bond.

Harriet sighed as she let herself rest against Tom while their newborn enjoyed his first meal.

Tom chuckled as he reached out and let his index finger gently rub his son's chubby cheek.

The baby's eyes were closed as he nursed, his tiny hands on either side of his mother's full breast.

"Isn't he adorable?" Harriet asked as she gazed down at their son.

"He's greedy." Tom quipped. The baby's happy little grunts filled the room while his father scoffed, "There won't be any left for Daddy at this rate."

"Daddy doesn't need any." Harriet said as she threw Tom a scowl of feigned irritation.

"Daddy always needs Mummy." Tom answered with a husky undertone in his smooth voice.

Harriet breathed a sigh of exhaustion as she looked at her incorrigible alpha.

"I suppose you've figured out what to name him too? Like you did when Mae was born?" Harriet asked, "If you don't mind, I'd like more of a say this time."

"Of course, sweetling." Tom smiled as he bent his head and gave her a loving kiss, "Go on....."

"James." Harriet nodded, "I'd like to name him James after my father.........And Arthur, after Mr. Weasley. He's always been like a dad to me. I think James Arthur goes well together, don't you?"

"Oh, yes." Tom nodded as he flashed Harriet a sly smile, "Actually, I think both names will compliment 'Thomas' nicely."

"'Thomas'?" Harriet frowned.

"Yes, sweetling. Can't you hear it now? Imagine in the future when they call out his full name as he walks into the room, strong, handsome, smart.....Thomas James Arthur Riddle, III. Doesn't that have a profound ring?" Tom grinned.

Harriet sighed quietly as she contemplated the limits of her stamina.

After the birth, did she truly have enough energy left to battle Tom over their son's name although he had technically humored her request?

"But we won't call him 'Thomas', will we? Or 'Tom'?" Harriet pressed, "Promise me we won't! It's confusing enough sometimes with you and your father, I can't imagine if there were three instead of two."

"We can call him whatever you wish, my love." Tom reassured her as he kissed her lips again, eager to soothe his mate in an effort to easily gain what he wanted, "As long as 'Thomas' is his legal first name, I will be satisfied."

"James....." Harriet mused as Tom kissed her again, purposely using her storm of postpartum hormones to curtail her feistiness and coax her into submission, "We'll call him 'James'."

As Tom pulled away, he noticed Harriet's eyelids growing heavier and heavier as a sudden wave of exhaustion threatened to drag her into the depths of restorative sleep.

On instinct, he moved to let her fully lean against him while he cradled their newborn in his arms.

Alone in the room with no one to see, after baby James had eaten his fill and released his mother, he blinked as he watched his father snake around Harriet's sleeping form to lap at the few droplets of unwanted milk he had carelessly left behind.

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