Chapter 111 - The Squeal

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Fortunately for the young couple, James and Lily's eyes both fluttered open shortly before dawn the following morning.

As the first pink rays of daylight peeked through the crack in the nearby window's curtains, Lily sighed as she moved under the covers.

The sensation of their bare bodies rubbing together easily sent James's eyes opening wide as he gazed at Lily with a gentle purr.

"........Good morning." Lily playfully smiled as she giggled in amusement at the awestruck look on her lover's handsome face.

"Good morning, love." James whispered huskily before he moved closer and pressed a kiss to her soft lips.

Lily sighed as she pulled away and gently laid her hand on James's chest as she pressed her ear against him to listen to the steady rhythm of his heart.

"I suppose we should go down and join the others before they wake, shouldn't we?" She asked.

"Unless you don't mind being mocked for the foreseeable future." James laughed.

Lily pressed herself more tightly to him as he laughed and pulled her long, red hair back to reveal the nape of her bare neck.

"Don't despair, Lils.....We've barely got two months until the wedding, then we'll spend every night together for the rest of our lives." He whispered as he bent down again and pressed another kiss to her mouth.

".......Two months." Lily sighed sadly.

Silently, James felt a sense of relief in the knowledge that their nuptials would come so soon.

Not only did he want to be with Lily as quickly as possible, but in case the previous evening did result in a surprise pregnancy, at least they'd be able to pretend otherwise.

Reluctantly, Lily plucked herself off of him a moment later and yawned as she stretched.

James couldn't help but notice the way her nipples made themselves apparent through the thin fabric of her soft nightgown after she pulled the garment on again before she reached for the robe that she quickly fastened.

She smirked as she glanced over and found him staring, a look he unapologetically returned before he rose from the bed and began to dress as well.


Once Mark, Hugo, and Rose woke several hours later, they found James and Lily in their separate sleeping bags, innocently ready to greet the new day with their friends.

"Sleep well?" Hugo asked as he tried to force his eyes all the way open.

"Very." Lily nodded.

James nearly had to bite through his tongue to avoid laughing at his and Lily's delicious secret.


Upstairs, long after dawn, Harriet sighed as she slowly woke in Tom's arms.

He remained asleep, but in those last moments of heavy slumber, somehow, he felt his mate move against him and instinctively tightened his grip on her.

She laid a hand on his chest, just as Lily had with James, as she arched her back and leaned into his protective embrace.

As minutes passed and Tom's breathing continued to be steady and deep while he enjoyed the last of his dreams for the night, Harriet blinked up at him while she wondered what he saw in his mind.

The Love Story of Harriet Potter and Tom RiddleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora