Chapter 24 - Tom's Bargain

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Over the next few days, Harriet and Tom stayed in the Chamber of Secrets, making love and eating what food the Basilisk managed to steal for them from the kitchens.

As the passionate flurry of hormones brought on by Harriet's heat finally began to cool, she and her new mate enjoyed the last bit of her cycle with more sweet cuddles and tender kisses than intense hours of exertive coupling.

Harriet knew the second she opened her eyes on the seventh morning that it had ended.

Her heat was over.

She sighed to herself as she contemplated the ugly truth of what her discovery meant for her and Tom......they would have to leave the Chamber of Secrets and rejoin the rest of the world.

With an unhappy frown, Harriet turned onto her side and nestled against Tom's shoulder as he slowly blinked his dark eyes open.

"Good morning, sweetling." He whispered as he bent his head and kissed Harriet's lips while his arms gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Good morning, Tom." Harriet answered as she returned his kiss with a sad pout.

"You know how much I've enjoyed the faces you've made during our time here~." Tom chuckled before his smile fell away as he asked Harriet, "Though I don't care for this one very much at all......What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Harriet fibbed.

Tom smirked as he placed two fingers under her chin and gently lifted her face towards his while he spoke, "Harriet Potter......I'm your alpha now, your mate, your partner......I can't help you if you don't tell me what troubles you so.....Lie to me and not only will I know it, but you'll force me to punish you."

Harriet frowned as she sat up and looked at Tom.

Other omegas may have been offended or even frightened by his words, but beyond her irritation, all his statement did for Harriet was conjure up ideas of more carnal explorations they could take together.

Harriet's cheeks tinted pink as her mind wandered through a few delicious ideas of how Tom could restrain her in her nest, climb on top of her and-

"We can do those things later, sweetling." Tom smirked as he drew her thoughts back to the present. His dark eyes scanned her face as he spoke, "For now, I need you to tell me what's upset you."

"Did you just read my thoughts?!" Harriet scoffed.

"Of course I did." He shrugged.

"Then why don't you tell me what I'm so bothered by?" She teased.

Tom blinked at his mate as he answered, "I just tried to learn that very fact, sweetling, but all I saw were images of you, naked, with restraints holding your legs in the air while I-"

"-If you keep talking about that, you and I won't be talking for long." Harriet snapped as she shifted on the bed.

Her heat had exhausted her to such an extent that arousal had nearly become painful.

"You just can't get me out of your mind, can you?" Tom asked with an arrogant grin as he let his fingers lazily drift through Harriet's dark tresses.

Harriet playfully threw him a glare before she yawned and explained, "Stop it, Tom.....I dunno......I suppose it makes me sad to think we have to leave.....go back to the others and all that."

He laughed darkly as he asked, "Haven't you fought me on this for years? Remember? There's no point in heats and we should focus on our careers and-"

"I haven't said we shouldn't focus on our careers." Harriet scowled at her alpha, ".........Just that it'd be nice to linger here a little longer, that's all."

The Love Story of Harriet Potter and Tom RiddleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon