Chapter 21 - Tom Riddle, Son and Heir

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The summer that followed was unlike any that Tom had ever experienced before.

He was no longer Tom Marvolo Riddle, son of a poor, working-class, single mother who shamefully lived in one of London's shabbiest flats.


He was Tom Marvolo Riddle junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Riddle, descended from a noble bloodline that could trace its ancestry all the way back to a connection with the muggle royal family on his father's side  in the Middle Ages.

Also, from a lesser known point, Tom clung to the fact that he was the direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin on his mother's side.

Tom walked through Little Hangleton that summer with his head held high and his shoulders thrown back as the villagers whispered about him as he walked past.

The long lost heir to the village's most prestigious family, finally found......

His mother's mercy, his father's pride and joy......

Handsome and kind, although Tom effortlessly won the heart of every muggle girl in the village, he made it known in no uncertain terms that he had already chosen his intended mate, which made him all the more desirable to some.

The hard feelings about Tom's relationship status explained the angry, jealous glares that greeted Harriet the day she came to tour the village with Tom as soon as her girls' trip with Molly and Ginny Weasley concluded.

"They're all scowling at me." Harriet whispered to Tom as they walked through the streets together.

Tom proudly clutched Harriet's arm in his as he smirked at the onlookers and whispered, "That's because they want to be in your place, sweetling. Pay them no mind, we'll be at my new home soon enough."

Harriet couldn't help but pay her enemies at least a bit of attention until Tom led them out of the village's center and up the rolling, green hill towards Riddle Manor.

As they came to stand on the stone steps, Tom reached out and used the heavy door knocker exactly as he had on the night of his grandparents' murders.

A moment later, the door swung open, and the same butler appeared.

Instead of scowling, the elderly man smiled as he greeted Tom and his guest with polite bows and nods, "Good evening, young master.....and young Miss.....Welcome back to Riddle Manor, sir, and welcome for the very first time, Miss...?"

"This is Harriet Potter." Tom quickly announced as he raised Harriet's hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, "My future wife...See that you treat her with the utmost respect, Lawrence. She'll be your mistress one day."

"Miss Harriet Potter, welcome to Riddle Manor." The butler, Lawrence, nodded as he bowed deeply to Harriet.

Tom watched his servant carefully with a concentrated scowl on his handsome face as he made sure that the elderly man bowed low enough in front of his darling and that his voice rang with the proper amount of respect.

"Thanks." Harriet said as she smiled awkwardly and nodded in return.

Tom's dark eyes glimmered as Lawrence straightened his back and led them inside the mansion.

Despite the home's vast proportions and understated opulence, Harriet couldn't help but fight off a stomach-churning wave of woe as she walked with Tom through his father's ancestral residence.

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