Chapter 116 - Kin

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

"MUM!" Mark screamed as he chased Harriet while she raced down the abandoned hallway, deep in the bowels of the Ministry, "MUM!"

Mae's evil laughter echoed off the halls as she glided along, pleased with how well the evening had gone.

Harriet had been pushed to her final limit.

Determined to seek out some restitution for the great suffering her daughter had brought upon them all, she let her anger guide her hand as she lifted her wand to Mae and shouted, "CRUCIO!"

Try as she might, Harriet could not connect with the darkness as seamlessly as her husband and firstborn.

A mere, sparkling snap of red light burst from her wand's tip and crashed into Mae.

While that offensive curse did not manage to cause her eldest child any pain, it did knock Mae off of her feet to send her tumbling against the cold, unforgiving stone of the Ministry's floor.

As Harriet stopped a short distance away from her daughter, Mark wisely stayed behind his mother, knowing he had no weapons to protect himself against the great and fearful talents of his sister.

"What have you done?" Harriet asked in a whisper, her eyes wide with grief as she gazed down at Mae, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Mae pouted as she gazed up into her mother's eyes, purposely staying annoyingly silent to leave Harriet to her own wonderings.

"If you were capable of any sort of love or…..empathy…..I would have thought it would have been for James…..or for your father." Harriet whispered as she gasped at Mae, while hot tears began to roll down her cheeks, "……..But you aren't, are you? YOU AREN'T!"

Mae's pout turned into a frown.

"Your father has always thought you were perfect, but I am your mother….I carried you, I birthed you. I can see your flaws clearly, Sabrina Maeve. The worst one……" Harriet sniffed as she gazed into Mae's emerald eyes, which mirrored her own, "…….Is that you cannot feel. You'll never know love, you'll never know friendship…..and I feel sorry for you."

The last sentence came out as a grating hiss rather than a spoken phrase.

Mae's frown turned into an arrogant smirk as she chuckled, a deep, rich sound from somewhere close to her black heart, "Oh, mother, that's right…..Show me again why I've never liked you."

"You've never liked anyone." Harriet scoffed. WIth a sharpness in her tone that surprised even her, she turned her head to look at Mark and snapped, 'Behind the chimney! NOW!"

Mark instantly did as his mother commanded and ran to take cover behind the heavy, ancient stone of the massive Floo chimney that stood in the vacant hallway.

"I like Father." Mae shrugged as Harriet turned back to face her, " And brother….." She nonchalantly shrugged, ignoring Mark completely as a sad frown formed on her face, "I thought you liked him too…….until you killed him."

"I……." Harriet gasped as she struggled against a nauseating wave of remorseful grief, "I didn't kill James. You-"

"-Did kill him. Didn't you, Mother?" Mae asked while she smirked, as if calling Harriet by her actual title was some sort of cruel joke, "You even hit him in the back…..the blow of a coward. What will everyone say when they learn the truth?"

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