Chapter 53 - The Little Muggle Girl

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

While Tom received his incredible news at the Ministry, Harriet spent her morning at the Trendells' house.

She sat beside her friend, Amelia, while Mae played with Polly in the corner of the quaint living room.

From her fingertips to her elbow, a thick, black sleeve protected her affected arm.

Tom had contacted the Board of International Medicine using a letter signed by the Minister's enchanted corpse.

Tom had contacted every healer in the magical world, but not a single one had managed to cure his daughter's mysterious ailment.

Mae's bruise had slowly spread from her shoulder with long, black streaks that reached under her nails.

Tom and Harriet alternated cleaning the festering wound every morning and night.

On the rug in front of the sofa, baby James and baby Lily cooed while they traded plush toys.

"Aren't they just darling?" Amelia asked with a smile as she glanced at the children.

She and Harriet sipped their tea for a moment while they admired their little ones.

"They certainly are." Harriet replied with a bittersweet smile.

Thoughts of her parents vanished once Amelia reminded her, "To think that James and Lily will be one soon! Where has the time gone already?! We'll blink and they'll be grown!"

Without warning, Harriet turned to her friend and asked, "Will you have a party, then?

"We'd planned on it, yes." Amelia shrugged, "We're considering closing the bakery for the night and hosting it there. Our house isn't quite designed for gatherings."

The Trendells were not destitute yet they clearly lacked the Riddle family's lavish wealth.

Amelia had wisely made her conclusion.

Their humble home did not have the space needed for a large party of any kind.

Harriet frowned as she watched James play with his best friend for a moment.

The happy smiles on both babies' adorable, chubby faces melted her heart and gave her an idea.

"Well......would you consider doing a double party?" Harriet asked her friend.

"What do you mean?" Amelia frowned.

"James will have a celebration, just as his sister did." Harriet nodded, "Lily and him.....They were born on the same day.....They share the same birthday, so why not let them share a party?"

"Do you mean.....?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, of course! At our house. Look how happy they are together! I'm certain they wouldn't mind." Harriet chuckled as she glanced at the children again.

"You really are too kind, Harriet." Amelia said with a sweet smile as she touched her friend's hand.

While the two mothers began to excitedly chat about the party's details, Mae glanced at them from her corner.

Her expression softened as she gazed in silent fascination at her baby brother, but a scornful scowl washed over her face as Lily screeched.

Mae narrowed her eyes at the baby girl.

She had remained the princess, exactly as Tom had promised.

Her mother had treated her no differently since James' birth, nor had Tom.

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