Chapter 45 - Heart

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Tom junior's obsession with Harriet only worsened.

As she battled the inevitable fatigue that accompanied early pregnancy, he took every available opportunity to lure her into his arms for a passionate tryst.

Satisfied but spent, whenever one of their lovemaking sessions concluded, the youngest Mrs. Riddle truly understood the meaning of exhaustion.

Tom always covered Harriet in gentle, devoted kisses until she fell asleep in his grasp, with his strong arms holding her protectively against him.

During the next month, the midwife assured Harriet that all was normal.

Harriet accepted her statements as absolute truth.

Unlike her first pregnancy, she had no nausea, no sickness, no pain, just a need for extra sleep and a pleasant glow on her cheeks that sent Tom spewing decadent compliments at her.

While the youngest Riddle couple delighted in their joyful news and contemplated how best to announce the pregnancy to their daughter, Mae soon demanded their full attention.

One morning, after Harriet rose and woke their little one up for breakfast, her eyes widened as she changed Mae's clothes and noticed something quite bizarre.

Tom entered the room in time to see Harriet squint down at their child while she squirmed in her mother's grasp.

"Daddy......" Mae whimpered as she cast Tom a pleading pout.

".....Is something the matter, sweetling?" He asked with concern as he walked over to Harriet.

"There's a.....bruise......on her arm....An awful one." She frowned as she gently touched their daughter's injured shoulder.

"A bruise?" Tom frowned incredulously as he came to stand behind Harriet while they gazed down at their little girl.

Mae calmly blinked up at her parents while Harriet gently showed her alpha the wound their eldest child had suffered from some unidentifiable source.

Harriet and Tom both narrowed their eyes to slits as they stared at the strange blemish on little Mae's otherwise flawless skin.

The bruise was exceedingly ugly, black and malicious.

Its purple edges seemed to create a sort of indention in the small girl's flesh with jagged edges all around that held a toxic green hue.

"Mae, what happened, my princess?" Tom asked.

"Nothing, Daddy." Mae shrugged.

"Did you hit your arm on something, sweetheart?" Harriet frowned.

"No." Mae answered with annoyance in her voice as she scowled at Harriet.

"Does it hurt at all?" Harriet asked worriedly.

"No, Mummy." Mae huffed, as if Harriet's questions were a grand waste of her time.

Tom's blood boiled with rage that something somewhere, somehow had dared touch his perfect little princess.

"......Have you dropped her?" He snapped at Harriet before he stopped himself.

"WHAT?.......No, I haven't dropped her!" She gasped, "What on earth is wrong with you to ask me a question like that, Tom?!"

Mae frowned as she watched her parents argue.

"Forgive me, sweetling." Tom sighed as he continued to stare down at Mae's arm, "I.....I meant no offense, but I don't understand where this has....come from. Look at that, it's hideous.......I wonder if she fell yesterday while Mother was caring for her?"

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