Chapter 102 - Riddle

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

On his way to his afternoon classes, James held his head high as a certain unsavory group of hecklers followed him through the throngs of other students passing by.

"Riddle!" One boy called.

"Riddle!" Another boy shouted.

"We know you can hear us!" A third voice chorused.

Somewhere, even amidst the noise and chatter of those who brushed shoulders with him, James heard the malicious snicker of a fourth boy, at least three years older and more than several heads taller as he continued his path.

The last thing he wanted to do was to cause his mother any more worry by partaking in a silly battle in the middle of the school day.

As James retreated into his own thoughts, those several seconds of contemplation cost him dearly.

Hands grabbed him from behind without warning, pressing on his shoulders like the forceful weight of falling luggage trunks as he whirled around with wide eyes to find himself staring at his four adversaries.

One boy was black-headed, two were blonde, and one had reddish-brown hair, but all wore Slytherin robes and sly, smug grins of malice as they gazed down at James in contempt.

"I don't care if you are the Minister's son." The boy holding James sneered, "Your father should have taught you to treat your elders with more respect."

As he pushed James roughly against the wall, the other boys laughed at the strangled grunt sound that left his throat once his spine roughly collided with the ancient stone.

"Leave me alone." James huffed, "I wasn't bothering you."

The boy who kept his grip on James's robes shrugged as the others leered behind him, "Fair enough, maybe you weren't.....but that pretty sister of yours certainly was......I think she bothered all of the very best ways. Tell us where she's gone eh, Riddle? We'll gladly trade you for her."

The others echoed heinous giggles behind him while the first boy finished speaking with a sly grin on his thin lips.

James wasted no time in reducing his enemy's arrogance, "Don't make me laugh, you wished she would have bothered you.....I think that's more what you mean. She never would have had anything to do with you lot, because you have nothing to offer her."

The boy holding James widened his eyes at his target's audacity.

Even as the boy reached for his wand, it never entered James' mind to do the same.

He wouldn't burden his poor mother with an altercation at-

"-Why you little piece of shit." The older boy hissed as he pointed his wand at James's handsome face, "I think it's time you were taught a few lessons that Mummy and Daddy apparently failed to impart."

The other boys laughed.

"He's just going to take it!"

"Ooh, be careful when you curse him, his cowardice may-"


Their fun ended with a single word spoken in the low drawl that every Hogwarts' student feared above all else.


James and the four Slytherin boys all looked over to see Professor Snape standing to the left.

".......Enough." He hissed again, blatant anger dancing in his narrowed, black eyes as his dark gaze flickered over the scene.

James furrowed his brow at how agitated his usually calm Potions Professor seemed as Severus took heavy, imposing steps towards the five of them.

"Does four against one seem fair to each of you?" He snapped as his eyes darted between each of the Slytherin boys, "No points will be deducted from Slytherin house, but rest assured, I'll see each of you in detention for the next fortnight."

The punishment seemed extreme even to James, who blinked as the Slytherin boy who held him quickly loosened his grip on his robes and lowered his wand.

The leader of the Slytherin boys quickly offered an explanation, "Professor Snape, we didn't mean-"

"-I know perfectly well what you meant, Mr. Renins." Severus snapped, "See that the four of you are on your way now.......there's nothing for you here."

The four boys gaped at their head of house before Severus narrowed his eyes and snapped, "........Perhaps each of you may learn how to follow directions if I double your detention sentence?"

Before Professor Snape could levy that punishment, James' attackers quickly turned and fled down the corridor.

".......And are you well, Mr. Riddle?" Severus asked as his black eyes moved to James.

"I'm fine.....Thank you, sir." James said as he dusted off his wrinkled uniform.

Severus watched him closely for a moment before he commented, "I find it surprising a boy of your age and parentage did nothing to defend himself against four attackers. The battle was hardly fair, yet you appeared to make no attempt at resistance."

James cleared his throat as he straightened his house tie and spoke, "I didn't want to upset my Mum, sir. It's been hard enough on her to lose my little sister."

James had foolishly assumed everyone at Hogwarts had heard the news by then, but Professor Snape was no Ministry official, and certainly no gossip.

Although Harriet remained his least favourite former student, a sympathetic frown twisted his pale features as James relayed the tragedy to him.

After a long moment of thoughtful, awkward silence, Severus nodded, ".........Offer her my condolences, along with the rest of Hogwarts' staff."

"I will." James vowed as he politely nodded, "Thank you, sir."

As James walked away, Professor McGonagall happened to walk past him as they crossed ways in the corridor.

"What's the matter, Severus?" She asked as she looked at the gaunt expression on his worn face.

"I'm afraid the Riddles have had a death in the family." Severus spoke.

As he and McGonagall chatted in the hallway, James trudged back to his dormitory with a frown.

Bullies or not, he couldn't stop thinking about the Time-Turner.


"Sweetling, I'm here. I have you." Tom whispered to Harriet as he held her close while they cuddled in her nest.

Five weeks after her last heat, for the second morning, she had woken with an undeniable wave of familiar nausea.

"I can't do this again, Tom." She whispered in a sad sigh as she leaned her head against his chest, "Not so soon......Not now, not after-"

"-You won't have to do anything again, my love." Tom whispered as he bent down to kiss the top of her head, "I don't think dinner has agreed with you the past two evenings, that's all. I'll speak to Lawrence today and see that something different is served tonight."

Harriet sighed as she clutched Tom's chest and resisted the urge to flee to the toilet and vomit.

Usually brave and unshaken, it terrified Harriet to her core to consider that she may very well already be carrying another of her alpha's children.

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