Chapter 91 - Tom's Sinister Trick

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

As the second week of Hogwarts' winter recess began, Harriet opened her eyes early one morning to a familiar sensation.

The heavy snowfall outside had kept the bedroom shrouded in a subtle, gray glow, regardless of the daybreak an hour earlier.

Harriet sighed softly as she glanced down and watched Tom's head bobbing while he suckled from her like a baby.

"I've got to get up." She groaned as she watched him, "I have that meeting this morning, remember? With the committee....about the Children's Triplex?"

Tom didn't even bother to look up at her as he grunted an order while he continued his morning meal, "Reschedule it."

"What?" Harriet frowned.

"I said.......reschedule the meeting." His smooth voice commanded while he flicked his tongue over her exposed nipple.

The soft whimper that left her lips made him grin as he pulled back to stare up into Harriet's emerald gaze.

"Your alpha needs you more than that silly committee. What do they want, anyway? Help filling out the paperwork? You belong here, Harriet Riddle, in my arms, settled in your nest." He huffed.

She furrowed her brow as she replied, "We've already rescheduled it twice, Tom. The plans for the expansion are going to be discussed and voted on.......It'll only take an hour, surely you'll be able to make it that long without me."

As Harriet did her best to wriggle her heavier frame out from underneath him, a horrible scowl etched itself into his handsome features.

Anger rumbled in Tom's heart as he realized his mate really intended to go against his wishes.

"I said......" He snapped as he firmly placed himself between Harriet and freedom, purposely blocking her path, "You're staying here, with me."

"And I said," Harriet hissed back as she slipped under his arm and stood, knowing he wouldn't dare use any force against her, especially with their little one cuddled in her belly, "That I'm going, Tom. I'll be back as soon as I can, don't worry."

Tom had gotten more than accustomed to coming and going from his office at the Ministry as he pleased, but Harriet preferred to adhere to her schedule.

That had proven to be a much more difficult task over the last year or so, with Tom doing everything possible to hamper her progress on anything that took her time away from him.

".........If I can't persuade you to stay, may I at least join you there?" He asked after a moment.

His dark eyes followed Harriet's every move as she wriggled out of her night robes and into her clothes for the day.

She held back a laugh as she noticed his slack-jawed expression while he drank in the sight of her bare belly, firm and round against the bouncing fullness that her breasts had become.

Tom's eyes traced the outline of her bottom as she put her back to him and shrugged, "Certainly......I suppose it'd be lovely if the Minister himself attended the meeting. The committee would be quite surprised."

Behind Harriet, a wicked grin danced across Tom's face as a cruel idea presented itself.

"I'll see you there?" Harriet asked as she grabbed her wand and glanced over her shoulder at her husband.

"See you there, sweetling." Tom nodded with a charming smile.

Harriet cast him one last look before she apparated away.

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