Chapter 8 - Meeting Mother

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Tom carried Harriet's luggage along with his own as they walked through the dismal street to the shabby apartment building that contained his childhood home.

The concrete was cracked and the staircase was stained, but Harriet wore a bright smile as she chatted with Tom while they journeyed to the building's third floor.

When they made it to the landing, he opened the door to the flat he and Merope shared as he felt his chest tighten with anxiousness.

Tom stepped to the side and let Harriet enter as she glanced around silently.

"Welcome home, Harriet Potter~." Tom cooed to her in a purr, "It's not extravagant, but it is where I've been raised."

Harriet smiled over at Tom politely as she received her first glimpse of his life beyond Hogwarts.

The kitchen, dining area, and living room were all crammed together.

Down the hallway, three small bedrooms and a single bathroom stood with closed doors.

The furniture was tattered, the lights were dim, and the walls themselves held an aged sort of greyness, but Merope had done her best to clean everything from top to bottom.

She had understood how important Harriet's visit was to her son.

"I think it's lovely." Harriet nodded at Tom with a kind smile, "It's loads better than where I was raised."

"Don't you think it's too cramped?" Tom asked.

He purposely goaded Harriet to see if she would criticize his modest home.

"No, I think it's cozy." Harriet honestly replied, "The Burrow's lovely too, but sometimes it's a bit overwhelming."

Her answer greatly pleased Tom as he stepped towards her with a satisfied grin on his lips.

Harriet watched him sit their trunks down on the brown carpeting before she gently placed Hedwig's cage next to her feet.

Tom slipped his hands onto her hips, looked into her emerald eyes, and promised her, "One day, Harriet Potter, you and I will have much better........and Mother will, too. One day we'll live in a palace with grand rooms and beautiful furnishings."

"I don't need grand rooms or beautiful furnishings, Tom." Harriet chuckled.

"You'll have them anyway." He insisted as he leaned down.

As soon as Harriet sensed that he would kiss her, she backed up with a smirk and asked, ".......Won't your mum be home soon?"

"Not for some time yet." Tom replied as the hint of an irritated scowl marred his handsome face as he continued his pursuit.

Harriet titled her face towards him and granted his silent wish by giving him a sweet, meaningful kiss.

They stood there for some time in the middle of the flat's main room, kissing and holding each other, until Tom pulled away at last.

"You taste nervous." He whispered  in his eerily calm voice as he grinned down at her.

Harriet frowned as she looked up at him.

The sad concern in her expression forced Tom to frown back in response.

"......What if your mum doesn't like me?" Harriet asked worriedly.

"Sweetling," Tom chuckled, "That's a silly notion, isn't it?"

He reached down and took Harriet's trunk into his hand.

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