Chapter 110 - The Muggle Car

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Mark quickly became swept up in the excitement of the day as he, Lily, Hugo, and Rose all returned to Riddle manor after the ceremony concluded.

Lily had even driven the muggle car her parents had recently given her as a graduation present, a bit of an odd gift for a witch, but still well-intended.

The mansion was large enough that the young friends could amuse themselves with quiet conversation entirely separate from the adults who spent the evening chatting around the fireside in the main parlor downstairs.

"I gather you two will be married soon?" Hugo asked as he gave James and Lily a cocky smile, "Make sure you invite us to the wedding,"

"Of course we will!" Lily laughed, blatantly accepting her friend's playful teasing, "We're going to invite everyone......It'll be on a warm summer day....and there'll be lots of cake and'll be perfect!"

"You won't want to miss it." James added as he cast Hugo a smirk.


Across the manor, his father wore a similar expression of smugness as he sat on the sofa with Harriet's hand in his as the hours long visit continued.

Merope and Tom senior gladly made conversation with the eldest Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

The Trendells sat on the sofa opposite Tom and Harriet, next to Ron and Hermione.

"Can't believe it's already over," Harriet laughed as a silence finally settled between the friends, "It seems like just yesterday, I held him as a newborn."

"I know the feeling." Amelia Trendell concurred as she gave Harriet a sympathetic smile.

"It's odd the way time passes." Hermione nodded.

Ron sipped the wine in his goblet.

"There's no need to despair, sweetling." Tom junior added as he raised Harriet's hand to his lips, "We still have plenty of time to have more."

Gasps rang out in the room as everyone's eyes widened at Tom's statement.

"Have you gone mad?" Harriet chuckled.

"Why would you want to do that?" Ron scowled in confusion.

Hermione shot him a glare as she elbowed him in the ribs to stay quiet, but Amelia broke the awkward tension with a laugh, "Goodness, at this age? I can't imagine....."

Tom made the terrible error of at last letting his own unfair prejudice show.

"With all due respect," He nodded at his muggle guest, "Women born with magical blood can often breed well into their seventies. As my wife has decades to go until then, I in fact believe there's plenty of time left for us to raise more daughters and sons."

"Tom....." Harriet whispered in a biting hiss under her breath.

Hermione quickly changed the subject, eager to dispel the awkward tension of the moment that resulted from his rudeness.

While Amelia happily moved on to the next topic as the younger Weasleys engaged her, Mr. Trendell shot Tom junior an offended glare similar to Harriet's.

As much as she loved Tom, she could not bring herself to love the unapologetic discrimination that had echoed in his tone when he had proudly pointed out the superior differences between muggle women and witches to Amelia.

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