Chapter 63 - Tom's Arrogance

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

"P-Please!" The filthy man begged as he groveled on the Ministry's lacquered floor, "I-I don't know anything else! Honestly! I've told you everything I can!"

Tom junior's polished shoes clicked across the elegant tiles as he walked a slow circle around his prisoner like a looming snake.

"Please......!" The man begged.

When he was met only by silence, he lowered his head while his shoulders shook in defeated sobs.

The single light that dared to enter the forsaken exam room deep in the bowels of the Ministry  came from an enchantment at the top of the cavernous chamber which cruelly replicated sunshine.

Chains of enchanted iron hung around the man's neck and wrists, although the blood that had poured from his nose and mouth had weakened him enough to prevent escape or retaliation.

"An entire family is dead because of you." Tom said in his calm, smooth voice while his shoes continued to ominously click against the floor, "..........Because of what you said....about our world. You risked exposure, certainly, but that could be argued away."

The man whimpered as he slowly dared to look up and meet Tom's cold gaze.

"Your wife, your children......Their blood is on your hands." Tom scowled, "......And it disgusts me."

The man gasped as Tom stretched his long arm out and painfully placed his wand tip underneath his prisoner's jaw.

His dark eyes glimmered with malice as he told the man with a smirk, "An exposure of our world, I could make that disappear, but blood.......Spilled blood can never be washed away.........CRUCIO!"

A strangled scream rang out in the chamber as Tom's unfortunate victim writhed and jolted under the Torture Curse's brutal influence.

He shrieked in pain as Tom pulled his arm away in one smooth motion to let the man fall painfully onto his chest, unable to hold himself up any longer.

"Now......" Tom smiled as he watched the man moan while he placed his shaky hands on the floor, "Are you going to tell me what I'd like to know? Or shall we play a little longer?"

"I don't know anything!" The man spat in a dry hiss, "I've already told you! Why won't you believe me? I don't know anything!"

"We'll see about that." Tom grinned. He raised his wand at the man again while he cried out, "LEGILIMENCY!"

Busy interrogating a criminal, he finally had no need to be discreet about his mind-reading abilities.

Tom entered the man's thoughts in a rushing whoosh and perused his memories through the span of several tedious seconds.

When the spell finally ended, a strangled gasp tore from the man's throat as Tom came back to the present moment with a victorious grin.

The man sputtered for words as Tom's polished shoes clicked against the floor while he walked away.

"..........I knew you were lying." He whispered with an evil chuckle.

"Please!" The man begged, "I'll.....I'll do anything, just-"

Tom turned as he spoke.

In one quick burst of telltale green light, the Killing Curse flew forth and struck the man in his chest as Tom proudly screamed, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

The guards who stood by the door said nothing as the man's lifeless corpse tumbled over in a forgotten heap.

"Clean it up." Tom nonchalantly ordered them as he left the darkened chamber and made his way up the many, winding staircases that led to his office.

The Love Story of Harriet Potter and Tom RiddleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora