Chapter 103 - The Good Doctor

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

For the next several years, time passed by in a tender haze of quiet victories and warm moments for the Riddles.

Early one morning, Harriet blinked as she opened her eyes on a chilly autumn morning.

She smiled softly as she watched Tom sleep, his long lashes batting against his cheeks, the muscles of his smooth chest rising and falling in perfect rhythm.

Harriet laid a hand over his heart as she pressed her forehead against him and closed her eyes again.

"Good morning, Mrs. Riddle." Tom purred as he slowly folded his arms around Harriet.

Her eyes widened as she glanced up to find his still closed.

"After all these years together, have you forgotten that I can read your thoughts?" He chuckled as he finally opened his eyes to meet her emerald stare.

"Actually, I think some days you forget that I can't read yours, Tom." Harriet chided with a gentle laugh, "I suppose we should go downstairs and join your parents for breakfast......if you're ready."

A devious grin twisted his lips as he growled, "........Not quite yet, sweetling."

Tom wasted no more time with words as he moved down and pressed his lips against his wife's.

The passage of time had left the youngest set of Riddles both a little sadder and a little stronger.

They had each grieved their two daughters in separate ways, but their love for one another had smoldered like the flames of some inextinguishable fire.

Harriet gave Tom forgiveness.

In a subconscious show of gratitude, Tom offered Harriet all that he was, all that he had, and all that he would ever be.

As he slipped under the covers to part her knees with his strong, tapered hands and find her center with the tip of his pink tongue, Harriet let her mouth fall open.

Her long, dark hair fanned across the silk pillows behind her head as she gazed up at the ceiling, her green eyes half-lidded.

Tom's name was on her lips and in her heart as her fingers raked his scalp.

Secure in his position, Tom listened to every lovely sound that escaped his darling wife, hanging on each noise she made, as if her enjoyment of his ministrations was reason for living.

For such a strong, dark wizard, the Minister for Magic had many weaknesses: Harriet and all that she had produced for him; James, Mark, and even Mae, wherever she had gone.


True to his word, as James contemplated a career both he and his brother could share, he often came home on the weekends from Hogwarts to further their research, a rare privilege only the Minister's son seemed able to enjoy.

The failure of James's Time-Turner-backed attempt at ending Mae before she began had devastated him at first.

It was Lily and Mark's kind words that finally urged him to try again.

With the help of a few of Harriet's old friends, James and Mark had devoted large amounts of their free time over the last several years to discovering other potential ways to find and destroy their nemesis.

After being approached by James, Seamus Finnigan and Arthur Weasley were more than aware of the Minister's sons' ultimate goal.

Instead of discouraging the boys from their quest to develop an explosive that could exclusively target Dark Magic and dark creatures, the two men aided the Riddle boys whenever and wherever they could.

The Love Story of Harriet Potter and Tom RiddleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum