Chapter 44 - The Favourite

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

During the next few weeks, although Harriet failed to experience a regular cycle, Tom had no trouble experiencing her.

He took every available opportunity to slither between her legs in between her nursing sessions with Mae while their baby slept.

Harriet could have easily pushed him away, but her alpha's touch was too intoxicating to refuse.

Still entrenched in a maelstrom of hormones, Harriet rather enjoyed the fact that unlike many omegas who struggled with their husbands' reaction to their changed bodies, Tom seemed more intrigued by her than ever.

Beyond the physical satisfaction of their intimacy, Tom hoped that by loving Harriet until she cried his name, she would soon find herself with child again.

One particular morning, as she sat up in bed and rubbed her face with her hands, a soft smirk graced Tom's lips while he watched.

"Is everything alright, sweetling?" He asked softly.

"Everything's fine, Tom, I just have a headache." Harriet sighed.

"Is there anything I can do to ease your pain, my love?" He pressed.

"No, I think it'll ease up on its own. I must have slept on my neck the wrong way." Harriet commented as she rubbed the sore area.

Silence passed between them until Tom asked, with eagerness evident in his smooth voice, ".....Do you feel nauseous at all?"

Harriet turned to look at him with an incredulous scowl.

As soon as she noticed his hopeful grin, she spat, "I'm not with child, Tom!"

Harriet resisted the urge to slap his smirk off his face as his dark eyes glimmered.

"I'm still nursing." She huffed as she crossed her arms, "The midwife and the healer have both told us that won't allow conception......Not to mention I haven't had a heat since Mae came."

"Why are you so angry, my love?" Tom asked as he smiled softly at Harriet.

It annoyed her that her fury seemed to entertain him while she answered, "Because I'm your wife, not a....not some sort of-"

"-You're my omega." Tom glowered.

Harriet pouted as he moved to be eye level with her while a dark possessiveness crept into his black gaze.

"It is your duty, sweetling, to give me what I want....In exchange, I protect and provide. Isn't that the substance underneath our love's many layers?" He asked as he took a strand of Harriet's soft, dark hair into his hands.

"And I suppose what you want is for me to lie about and rub my belly all day?" Harriet asked as Tom lowered her hair, slyly making sure his fingers brushed her upper arm, which lay teasingly close to her heavy breast.

"While that is a pleasant thought...." Tom chuckled as his dark eyes flickered up to her face, "I had simply envisioned you staying by my side and obeying my orders, as a good omega would."

Harriet caught him by surprise as she laughed and lay back on the pillows.

It made her smirk that he watched her breasts bounce once her body collided with the bed, "Don't lie to me, Tom. I may not be able to read your mind, but you know me and I know you. You would never have wanted me if I were a good omega, I would have bored you."

"You could never bore me, Harriet Riddle." Tom whispered as he leaned down and gave her a loving kiss.

His arms wrapped around her waist as she raised her hands to cradle his head until a wailing cry rang out.

The Love Story of Harriet Potter and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now