Chapter 2 - The Nature of Love

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

As the Hogwarts Express pulled into the station and the students began to exit the train, Tom Riddle's dark eyes scanned the crowd for another glimpse of Harriet Potter.

He finally found her gathered next to her newly made friends as they all huddled around the boats with the rest of the first year students.

Tom watched as a large man with a bushy, dark beard walked up and spoke, "Nice to meet ya, everyone! I'm Hagrid, the gamekeeper here at Hogwarts.....Not much else to say about that....If ya will, we'll go on an' load the boats to get you lot up to the castle. Come on more than four at a time, in ya go." Hagrid ordered while he waved his massive hand to direct the new students.

Tom was careful to walk over and stand close to Harriet, Hermione, and Ron until he knew that they would all be assigned to the same vehicle.

As they climbed into the boat, Ron sat beside Hermione and Harriet ended up next to Tom, by no accident on his part.

"Hello, Harriet Potter." Tom greeted her in a voice that sounded startlingly suave for a boy of his young age.

"Hello again." Harriet nodded politely at Tom. She immediately turned to introduce him to her new friends, "Ron, Hermione, this is Tom Riddle, we met briefly in the hallway on the train.....Tom, this is Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger."

"Lovely to meet you." Hermione nodded.

Tom nodded at them both and Ron nodded back.

It flattered him that Harriet had introduced him to the people that she knew right away, but Ron and Hermione were meaningless.

The only person that Tom had any interest in learning more about was Harriet.

Together, the four of them watched as the boats began to carry themselves across the lake towards the majestic castle that sat on the hill above.


Their journey was brief yet pleasant.

Tom enjoyed the sweet scent of Harriet's shampoo that wafted from her hair in the evening's gentle breeze.

He said little while Harriet, Hermione, and Ron chatted during their short trip.

Tom was too busy watching Harriet to engage in idle conversation.

The fact that she wore glasses spoke to him of vulnerability, although he could tell by the spark in her smile and the bold confidence of her words that Harriet Potter was anything but meek.

That notion intrigued him.

Tom Riddle looked forward to becoming Harriet Potter's shadow, confidant, and friend, but Merope had not attended Hogwarts, which left him with no inkling of what to expect next that evening.

Tom didn't yet understand that as he walked into the castle after he stepped through its magnificent, stone entryway, he wouldn't be able to keep the subject of his fascination at his side for long.


Tom led the way into the Great Hall as Harriet walked behind him.

Ron and Hermione stepped after her while they followed the rest of the first year students down the narrow walkway between the long tables, all four of which nearly spanned the length of the room.

Tom, Harriet, Ron, and Hermione all looked around in awe at the starry ceiling, the floating candles, and the many, varied types of food that waited to be eaten.

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