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...Salvatore Boarding House...

It is not everybody who actually lives the Christmas, let alone consider it as priority. Some may think it is stupid to dedicate so much attention and effort in just one day, others may give their lives for a perfect dinner, the perfect gift at the perfect place.

Just a point of view maybe.

Capitalism might influence it, religion too, but at the end of the day, it's clearly a way to unite people.

It has its meaning, even if you don't exactly consider it.

But Rosalind does, a lot.

This special moment of the year, remembers her of a part of herself. A part she sometimes fear of ever forgetting.


That's something that always worries her. Losing this part of herself. This kind, comforting and special one.

[voiceover] "Dear sister, here it is something that would certainly make you freak out: in order to get Hope and Theo back, Stefan made a deal with the devil. So, there may be no tomorrow for him, even though he did promise an eternity to Caroline, he has to leave his life behind"

Rosalind sighs sadly.

She couldn't imagine being away the one who takes her breath away, makes the time stop and consumes her whole being.

[voiceover] "If he can't find a way out of this, I guess we will have to remind her how much he tried"

At the kitchen, Rosalind was cooking while the twins were sat at the counter's chairs, 'making' whipped cream.

"More sugar" Rosalind says to them, cutting the carrots.

Hope takes a spoon of sugar and puts it inside of the bowl while Theodore keeps mixing it.

Caroline enters the kitchen.

"I thought we agreed to cancel" Caroline says.

"I didn't agree on anything" Rosalind points out "we love Christmas"

She gestures between her, Hope and Theodore.

Caroline sits besides the twins.

"I know..." she sighs "...but I can't seem to think anything other than..."

She gives Rosalind a look.

The hybrid blonde goes to the fridge and takes out a bottle of white wine.

"I think yours last day of life as we know it should be a little bit less depressing than that, don't you?" she opens the bottle "So, today, we are gonna do what people do on Christmas. We're gonna eat more than we should and we're gonna drink until our friends and family seem somewhat normal"

Caroline nods with a weak smile. Rosalind offers her a glass of wine.


They click glasses together.

When Rosalind fixes her stare back at the twins, immediately let out a loud laugh seeing their stuffed-whipped cream-cheeks. Not to mention the mouths and hands all dirty.

"Only 5 minutes and now a part of our desert is gone" she crosses her arms in a fake scold.

The twins shared a look between them before swallowing in unison with an apologetic smile.

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