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...Mikaelson Safe House, Arkansas...

Rosalind is doting on the twins in the living room of the safe house. She picks up her daughter and son and carries them into the kitchen.

"Hi" she softly says "Hi babies! Mama's here. Ooh!"

Rosalind and the twins enter the kitchen where Elijah is making breakfast. Rosalind and Elijah look as though they're about to kiss, but instead Elijah just kisses the babies' head before getting back to his work.

[voiceover] "It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life. A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters. Yet, still, she claimed to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us. The noble Elijah, tormented by long-buried, shameful secrets. Kol, the wily troublemaker, out for no one but himself. Finn, the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily walked by our mother's sick hate. Fierce Rebekah, willing to risk everything on the chance that she may one day find happiness. And me, the bastard child. My mother's greatest shame. Now, finally, we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us...to live on as one of the monster's she created..." Klaus says.

Klaus and Cami arrive at the safe house, where Klaus finishes up his story just as they both depart from their vehicle.

"Or, suffer the slow, agonizing death she so deserves" he continues.

"Um, congratulations, I guess? But, right now, I'm a little more worried about Finn...considering I totally stabbed him in the back" Cami says worried and confused.

"He won't find you here. This is the safest place you could possibly be. Come on! There's two people I want you to meet" he says.

The two walk together toward the house while Klaus continues talking.

"I'd like to introduce you to the two newest members of our family. The little troublemakers all the fuss has been about" he says softly.

The door opens, and Rosalind comes out on the porch with Theodore and Hope in her arms as Klaus walks up the steps and joins her on the porch.

"Camille, this is Theodore and Hope. Our children" Klaus says smiling at Rosalind, who much to his surprise, returned it.

Cami is absolutely stunned, and looks at Klaus and Rosalind in confusion before turning her focus back on the little babies.

"Oh my god! But...You said...I thought they were...?" she struggles and Rosalind chuckled.

Klaus doesn't take his eyes off Rosalind and their children while he talks.

"The only way to truly protect them was to convince the world of their death" he explains.

Rosalind smiles kindly, but Klaus a little sternly as he turns back to Cami.

"I hope you understand, once it is safe for you to leave here, this secret cannot leave with you" he says with finality.

Cami, clearly happy at this revelation, nods in understanding and smiles at her friend and her babies with tears in her eyes before she walks past him to see them for herself.

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