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It was daytime at New Orleans and Rosalind was getting herself ready for the day when her phone suddenly started to ring nonstopping.

Picking it up she see it's Caroline. Smiling at her blonde friend, she answer it.

"Hey Care" Rosalind says.

"Katherine is dying" Caroline blurts out.

Rosalind's eyes widen and she sits on her bed.

"What?" she asks.

"Exactly" Caroline says "The doppelgänger slut is dying"

"How so Care?" Rosalind asks and Caroline starts to explain. The cure, Elena shoving it down Katherine's throat and now...human Katherine.

"Wow" Rosalind says, impressed.

"Yeah. Wow" Caroline says.

Rosalind frowned at her tone. She sounded almost if she wanted to asks something.

"What is it?" she asks and Caroline sighs.

"Will you come to Mystic Falls?" Caroline asks.

"What? Why?" Rosalind asks.

"Because things are a truly mess and we could totally use some of your amazing presence here" Caroline says and Rosalind laughs "Also, we're all planning on saying goodbye to Katherine with style"

Rosalind laughs and thinks for a moment before.

"Pleeeaaaseee" Caroline whines and Rosalind roll her eyes.

"Okay, fine" Rosalind says "I'll be there"

"YES" Caroline yells.

"Too loud" Rosalind complains.

"Sorry" Caroline apologizes.

"But if a pissed murderous Hybrid decides to chase after me, I'm blaming you" Rosalind says and Caroline groaned.

"Fine, fine" Caroline says.

Both friends spoke for a little more, until Rosalind decided to hang up and start to plan about her new plan to sneak out to Mystic Falls.

She decided to wrote a letter to her sister and grabbing her purse, she entered her car. Sighing she drove to Mystic Falls...again.


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