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...The Bayou...

Hayley and Elijah are holding Theodore and Hope in their arms respectively. They're both desperately making their way through the Bayou in search of Rosalind.

"ROSIE! ROSIE!" Elijah yells frantically.

They both looking concerned, continue walking through the woods, stopping when they come upon one of the steel-jawed animal traps, which is both covered in and surrounded by a huge puddle of blood. Hayley and Elijah gulp nervously and considers this for a moment before a familiar voice calls out from behind him. It's Jackson.

"Hayley!" he calls out for her.

"Jack!" she embraces him carefully, still holding Theodore in her arms.

Elijah continues to look around, his worries eating him alive as he tries to sooth Hope in his arms.

"Where is she?" Hayley asks Jackson as she stares worriedly at her.

"Where the hell is Rosie?" Jackson asks Elijah sternly.

Elijah realizes that Jackson is panting heavily and looks down to find that Jackson's leg is seriously wounded from being caught in the trap and is bleeding severely.

"Oh my god, Jack!" Hayley says and gasps at the injure.

...Lafayette Cemetery...

Rosalind, still trapped in Davina's magic circle in one of the tombs, has wrapped a blanket around herself and is holding it up with one hand while she furiously beats against the magical boundary with the other and growls angrily.

"AGHHHH! AGHHHHHHHH!" she screams from the top of her lungs.

Finally, Davina comes back into the room with her arms full of supplies, guiltily at Rosalind.

"Davina, let me out of here right now!" Rosalind shouts.

Davina sighs and tosses a shirt and jeans at her before holding up a blood bag.

"Listen Rosie, I just need for you to listen to me" Davina says.

"You magically kidnapped me on the one night that I can see my babies" Rosalind snaps furiously "What could you have possibly have to say to me?"

"I drew you here to help you!" Davina finally spits.

"Marcel and Elijah asked you months ago to break the curse, and you said you couldn't" Rosalind says.

"The Regent of witches can't be seen doing favors for the Mikaelsons" Davina says and looks down "the ancestors were against me. I couldn't do anything"

She pauses before tossing the blood bag onto the floor of the circle.

"...But, maybe we can help each other" Davina says carefully.

Rosalind, too hungry to argue any farther, kneels down and starts chugging the blood from the bag as quickly as she can, squeezing it so hard that it gets all over her hands.

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