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A girl with long, wavy blonde hair who is wearing a long, white dress frantically runs for safety toward a red door at the end of a hall. Elijah, shirtless and covered in blood from head to toe, slowly stalks her as she whimpers in fear and desperately tries to open the door. When the girl turns around, it is revealed that the girl is Rosalind, who looks back at Elijah in sheer terror and continues pounding on the door to no avail. Elijah finally grabs her by the arm and turns her toward him, but it's no longer Rosalind, it's Tatia, the original doppelgänger. He grabs her by the hair and turns her neck toward him before vamping-out and feeding on her as she cries in protest.

...Lafayette Cemetery...

Elijah awakens from his dream to find that he is still chained by his wrists in a crypt, and is confused as to what has just happened to him. He musters up all of his strength and yanks on his chains as hard as he can to free himself, but they won't break. Lenore/Esther calmly walks in, drinking a cup of tea.

"Have you forgotten where you are, son? Save your strength. My chains don't break so easily" Lenore/Esther says.

She points above his head, where a large poppet hangs from the rafters, magically fortified so that they cannot be broken.

"Having sweet dreams?" she mocked.

Elijah lunges for her, but the restraints won't allow him to get any closer.

"Get out of my head" he shouts.

"I'm not in your head, dear. You were screaming" she smirks.

Elijah glares at her, but Esther remains unbothered by his aggression.

"Go ahead, get your bearings. We have much to discuss" she says.

Esther leaves, and Elijah once again tries to break through the chains.

Lenore/Esther returns to the crypt, where she continues to talk to Elijah

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Lenore/Esther returns to the crypt, where she continues to talk to Elijah.

"Who were you dreaming about ripping apart when you woke earlier? Was it your your precious Rosalind? Or, was it someone else?" she mocked.

Elijah aggressively lunges for her, but still can't get any closer.

"Oh, stop fighting, Elijah! I brought you here to listen, and you're not going anywhere until I've said my piece" she says.

"So speak" he says furiously.

"I want you to rejoin our family, but as a witch. I want you to leave behind the grotesque savage vampirism has made of you. Take the body of a mortal, and we can all be happy again. Start over" she continues.

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