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...Southern Louisiana Docks...

It is pouring down rain at the docks on the southern coast of Louisiana bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Rebekah gives a monologue in voiceover as the camera pans over her desiccated body, the enchanted stake with which Aya stabbed her still embedded in her heart. She's also still in her coffin, which has been placed into a large wooden shipping crate.

[voiceover] "Marcel once asked me what it feels like being daggered. I told him it's like a deep, dreamless sleep. But this is no ordinary dagger" she says.

It is possible to see the dagger in Rebekah's chest. The handle has ornate skulls carved into the surface that were then coated with black varnish and embellished with red gemstones in the eye sockets. The camera pans over to a warehouse at the docks, where a man is using a forklift to transport the soggy, seaweed-covered shipping crate that contains Rebekah's body over with a stack of wooden pallets.

[voiceover] "This stake ensures I feel everything. The aching cold. The suffocating darkness. The burn of my veins crying out for blood. And the long agony of waiting"

A middle-aged sailor is rubbing his hands together to warm them as he waits for the shipping container to be dropped off.

"Right where he said it would be" the sailor says.

The sailor turns toward five of his lackeys, who are swarming around the crate.

"Open it! This Mr. 'Elijah Smith' paid big money to have this dredged out of the Gulf. What's ever in it has gotta be worth a fortune. I say we renegotiate" he continues.

The men finish opening the crate, but before they can fully examine its contents, Elijah appears behind them and snaps his large, black umbrella closed as he looks at them in annoyance.

"I'm afraid that was my final offer" Elijah says.

The sailor and his men start to get into defensive positions, so Elijah, who has stripped off his coat, throws it onto a pile of lumber before vamp-speeding toward the sailor, plunging his hand into his chest, and ripping out his heart. Elijah fights and kills several of the other men, which is only seen through the shadows on the wall, and the rest of the men run away from Elijah in terror. Once everyone has fled or been dealt with, the now-blood-splattered Elijah walks over to the shipping crate and opens the lid of the coffin before yanking the stake out of Rebekah's chest. Rebekah immediately awakens with a gasp as the color starts to return to her skin, though she's still pale and peaked-looking. Rebekah sits up and looks around in shock before she notices Elijah's presence. He smiles at her widely, and Rebekah sighs in relief.

"Hello, sister" Elijah greets with a smile.

"Tell me I didn't miss Christmas!" Rebekah says with a small smile.

"Tell me I didn't miss Christmas!" Rebekah says with a small smile

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