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...Mikaelson Compound...

As much as Rosalind was absolutely glad to be back, alive, she was dead pissed with a certain someone.

You can only imagine who...

So, this was kind of getting on her nerves. She just wanted to enjoy being back and away from all of this creepy aura, but instead, Rosalind was trying to reach Klaus' whereabouts.

He left and hadn't come back nor called or anything to let any of them know where in the hell is he.

She sees Elijah entering the courtyard and stands up expectantly.

"Please, tell me you found something" she pleads and walks over him.

"Not a single clue!" Elijah huffs "my brother still possess the ability of walking through the shadows"

Rosalind raises an eyebrow.

"So, what?" she throws her arms up in frustration "we are to stay here and wait for him to get over himself? Hopefully still in this decade?"

Elijah sighs.

"I believe he will come around soon" he says.

"How can you be so calm?" she asks, genuinely curious. Behind all of Klaus' outbursts, there's always a worried Elijah preventing him from burning the world down "I thought you would be the first to hand out wanted posters with his face on"

Elijah laughs and shakes his head.

"Normally I would" he says "but this time, he owns the right to clear his mind"

"Why?" Rosalind asks.

He gestures for her to sit in one of the couches, accompanying her.

"I understand your confusion and even though you seem quite professional over Niklaus' topic" she chuckled along with him "for the first time, you are the last person able to help him right now"

"Because..." she trailed off.

Elijah smiles sadly at her.

"Because he saw you dying" he answers "you were dead"

"But I am not anymore" she huffs and covers her face with her hands "you speak like it was my fault"

"In a way, he thinks it was" Elijah says.

What the hell?

"I'm sorry?!" she asks taken back.

Again, the complexities of the Mikaelson family.

"So, what?" she stands up "he's too emotionally affected that he won't even step into this house? What does he wants? Me to leave here?"

Elijah chocked on his own spit.

If things were bad with her here, imagine if Klaus discover she left.


Goodbye New Orleans...

A ring coming from her pocket, alerted her.

'Found him' came a message from Marcel, followed by a location.

'Thanks x' she replied.

"Well, I understand where's coming from" she says "it's rough days and honestly, neither I did got over the fact that I was on the other side. Again"

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