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...Mikaelson Compound...

Freya is at the desk in the study, where she is writing a letter to Rebekah. She seems trouble as she thinks about all the lasts events that followed this past few months.

She was truly happy to finally have a family of her own and her freedom, but the storm at the Compound was livid.

[voiceover] "My dear Rebekah, I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and ask for your advice" Freya says.

Downstairs in the dining room, Klaus and Elijah are sitting opposite of each other at the end of the table, staring at each other silently. Klaus looks amused and seems to be challenging Elijah to say something, but Elijah remains silent, his expression emotionless. After a moment, Elijah stands to his feet and leaves the room, glaring at Klaus the entire time. Just as Elijah is about to walk through the door, Klaus opens his mouth to speak, but decides not to say anything at the last moment.

Not even a single words was shared between both brothers after the night when Elijah decided to fulfill his promise to Rosalind. He comes to the Compound and make sure Hope and Theodore are fine and away from his brother's madness.

It hurts him deeply to see how much the twins misses their mother, but he was determined on protecting those children, more than before.

As for Klaus, it's been incredibly odd this lasts few months. If he once felt alone, now he was truly experiencing it, like never before.

Freya was trying her best not to hate him and do her best for Theodore and Hope. Elijah was acting as if he didn't exist and surrounding the babies as if to protect them from him. Rebekah didn't answer any calls and Marcel's temper was short as a snap of a finger.

Didn't even need to start with Rosalind.

Months, days, hours, seconds...

She's gone but she's everywhere...

He knew about Elijah's little trips to the Bayou, just to see her and take the twins to see their mother.

He knows about Marcel and Davina going crazy trying to find a way to break this curse.


He's been feeling nothing, besides a very large dose of guilty every time he looks at the pleading eyes of their children.

After all, it was his fault that Rosalind wasn't there with them, with him.

Would she, one day, find a way in her heart to maybe forgive him?

Will she really believe that he didn't know about those bloody voicemails?

How would he explain to her that again, his insecurities took the best of him?

God, he hoped with all his life that at least a little fragment of her would still be able to look at him. He wouldn't be able to see so much hate and disgust in her beautiful, alluring blue eyes.

[voiceover] "Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus and Elijah remains in completely silence towards each other. Even I feel slightly guilty by what Rosalind's been through. In one of my lasts conversations with Elijah, he dearly told me how much she means to all of you. It would've broken you to see him so hopeless and in so much pain" Freya continues.

Elijah enters the nursery and sees Hope and Theodore sitting at their cribs, sniffing and looking quite stressed by the mood surrounding the big house.

He walks over them and glances lovingly at them. The more the days pass, more he sees of Rosalind in them.

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