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...Lafayette Cemetery...

Dahlia is in one of the tombs, which is full of lit white candles. She is kneeling in front of a small altar on which a stone cauldron full of blood sits. She mixes the blood with her fingers, coating them in the blood, before waving her fingers in the air.

[voiceover] "We define ourselves by our family" Dahlia says.

...Mikaelson Compound...

Klaus is still laying in a coffin, where the golden dagger Kol and Davina made is still stabbed into his chest, desiccating his body. Rebekah and Elijah stand beside him, looking conflicted and guilty about what they've done to him.

[voiceover] "From birth, we share their names..."

...The Bayou...

Hayley is trying to calm the babies down as she sees Jackson carrying Rosalind inside one of the shacks, still unconsciously. The rest of the Crescent pack are busy unloading their vehicles.

[voiceover] "...Entrust them to protect that which we hold most dear" Dahlia says.

...Josh's and Aiden' Apartment...

Josh has just returned for the first time since Aiden's death. When he walks through the door, he sees a note that Aiden left for him on the counter which reads, "Call me when you get home. - A," which he picks up with a hand that is still stained with Aiden's blood. After reading it, Josh sighs deeply and closes his eyes in grief.

[voiceover] "We value them above all others, and yet we are inevitably forced apart" Dahlia says.

...Kol's Playhouse...

Davina is working on a spell at one of the tables, which involves a magic circle created with black sand, lit black candles, several dead birds, and Kol's paragon diamond. She holds her hands out over the ritual set-up and murmurs silent words under her breath. After a moment, Davina grows discouraged.

[voiceover] "Promises are made and left unkept"

...St Louis Cathedral...

Freya is working on her own spell in the bell tower, using dozens of lit candles to fuel her magic. She takes a break and stares out the window worriedly.

[voiceover] "Children, in particular, turn their backs on those who raised them, seeking lives of their own"

...Lafayette Cemetery...

Dahlia continues to swirl the blood in her cauldron with her fingers as she works on her spell. She looks up at the ceiling as she rubs her bloody fingers together, and her eyes roll in the back of her head as she senses Klaus laying desiccated in his coffin at the compound.

"The bond of family is not a bond forged on choice. In fact, some would see family as a terrible burden" Dahlia says.

Suddenly, Klaus awakens with a gasp, only he is no longer laying daggered in the compound, instead, he is laying on the ground in a village near a forest where he is half-leaning against a stone wall that wraps around a small cottage. He breathes deeply as he takes in his surroundings, and eventually notices that Dahlia is standing in front of him with a small smirk on her face.

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