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...The French Quarter...

Rosalind, Hayley and Jackson are walking down the streets of the French Quarter as Rosalind pushes the twins in a double stroller. The three talk to each other as they pass locals and tourists milling around the street, along with street musicians who are playing various instruments. Rosalind glances at the babies, seeing them smiling at each other and at the people.

"You guys didn't have to come" Rosalind says glancing at the newly couple "You're newly weds and probably are more interested in discovering new positions..."

Hayley cuts her off.

"Rosie!" The blonde smirks "We want spend time with you and these little lumps"

"As you wish" Rosalind says and they continue to walk.

Rosalind tickles the babies, and they giggled. They come upon a violinist on the sidewalk who is playing an upbeat tune, and so they stop to listen.

"Oh, look at this!" Rosalind says getting the babies' attention.

The violinist continues playing the tune a little longer before smiling and dramatically ending the song. Rosalind smiles back at the woman and drops some money into her violin case before speaking to her.

"Thank you! It was amazing" the woman smiles softly.

As Rosalind, Hayley, Jackson, and the twins walk away, the violinist starts playing a much slower tune, the exact same tune that Dahlia used to sing to Freya. Rosalind pauses, looking unnerved as she looks over at the violinist, who is staring at them, Jackson and Hayley looks at Rosalind in concern.

"That song..." Rosalind shivers "What is it?"

They look back at the violinist again, who is still staring at them creepily, and Rosalind, alarmed, quickly turns back around and starts walking. As they head down the street, Rosalind starts scanning their surroundings and sees a waiter writing a message onto the chalkboard outside of a restaurant that reads, 'A promise made is a debt to be paid' Rosalind becomes even more alarmed, but tries her best to play it cool in case someone else is watching. Suddenly, they're stopped by a man holding a large, long-stemmed red and black flower in his hand.

"Flowers, miss" He holds it out to the babies "A gift for the beautiful babies"

Jackson senses Rosalind's alarm and steps in so she doesn't have to.

"Uh, no, we're alright. Thank you!" he dismissed.

"You sure?" the man asks again.

Rosalind looks at the man suspiciously as he holds up the flower and smiles creepily.

"Black dahlias are in bloom. They're quite lovely" the man says creepily.

Rosalind, now fully afraid, starts to walk past him, but the man grabs her tightly by the arm as both of his eyes turn pure white. Out of nowhere, Klaus appears and shoves the man against a light post as he puts him in a choke-hold.

"Show yourself, witch" Klaus growled.

Suddenly, Jackson is overwhelmed by an unknown force as the flower salesman's eyes return to normal. After a moment, Jackson's eyes become pure white, indicating that he's being temporarily possessed by Dahlia.

"NIK!" Rosalind screams as she pushes the babies and Hayley behind her.

Klaus turns to find Jackson standing straight in front of them.

UNBREAKABLE || ⚜️ THE ORIGINALS ⚜️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang