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...St Anne's Church...

Aurora, who is driving in a black town car, has just pulled into the small parking lot behind St. Anne's Church. Once she's parked, she gets out of the vehicle and walks around until she reaches the trunk, which she opens to find Rosalind and Cami just as she left her the previous night. The last, seemingly unconscious with a blood-crusted bite wound on her neck. Aurora smiles at the sight of them.

"Aw, poor dear! Still sleeping. Well, you have a big day ahead of you. We should get started" Aurora says smugly, staring at Rosalind's 'unconscious' form.

Aurora smiles even wider and bends over to pick Rosalind up out of the trunk. However, before she can even begin to lift her up, Rosalind reveals that she has been awake all along by quickly opening her eyes and grabbing the crowbar laying next to her before whacking Aurora upside the face with it. Aurora shouts in pain as Rosalind takes advantage of her distraction and goes to check on still unconscious Cami.

"AHH!" Aurora yells in pain.

Even weak due the large doses of vervain and wolfsbane in her system, Rosalind tried her best to pick Cami up in hopes to vamp speed them way. However, Aurora vamp speeds over them and shoves Rosalind away from Cami, knocking her hard at the floor.

"That was not nice" Aurora says with a glare.

Rosalind glares at her, while standing up, trying to ignore the burning sensation inside her veins.

"Okay, you and I need to have a little heart-to-heart conversation. Come along" Aurora says.

Aurora grabs her by the arm and drags her into the back entrance to the church. Once inside, they find at least a half-dozen men working out in Marcel's fight gym. One is lifting weights at the bench press while another man spots him, and two other men are sparring inside the cage. Rosalind looks furious as Aurora continues to drag her toward the equipment.

"What are we doing here?" Rosalind asks.

"I heard a rumor these men train here, hoping to be made into vampires. So, I'm going to grant them their wish" Aurora simply shrugged.

Aurora shoves Rosalind forward, and Rosalind quickly turns to face her with a disgusted expression.

"Whatever problem you have with me, we can solver it!" Rosalind snaps "but you let Cami and these guys go"

Aurora smirks at her.

"Hm..." Aurora pretends to think "...what's the fun in that..."

Aurora looks at Rosalind for a brief moment before continuing on.

"You seriously have nothing better to do than to piss me off?" Rosalind asks with a tired huff, before grimacing while touching her abdomen.

"What's the matter?" Aurora asks in fake concern "perhaps a little too much of vervain? Or it is the wolfsbane?"

The blonde clenched her fists.

"But the thing is..." Aurora says "Nik and I are having just a little bit of a spat at the moment, as he took my brother captive"

Aurora laughs bitterly and takes a good look at Rosalind's appearance before referencing a conversation she had with Klaus in the flashbacks.

"So, I'm taking you. And these 'lovely, delicious, delightful' specimens are going to provide incentive!" she continues.

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