46. Deep - Working through

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"..... I don't wanna be free don't you get it... all the bullshit is on the outside!..."

"Charisma... you have a baby growing inside of you.. I know you're missing Antonia... and the rest of your kids... you can't want to stay in here..." her therapist said.

She was allowed a consultation with her own therapist once a week, she had already sliced one girl for coming for her and people around her were beginning to be wary of her and stay out of her way.

Charisma sighed as she sat back further in her chair, almost slouching. "My husband is out there.. he doesn't care how much he hurts me.. At least here I'm not tempted to go back to him... 25 years.. hopefully he'll be dead by then or I will be!."

"I'm sure that you don't mean that...

"Don't I... my man can't keep his dick in his pants.. he has never been able to... I am sick of competing, I have tried so hard to be everything that he ever fucking needs and it's never enough..

"Okay so if you felt that strongly about him.. divorce him, co parent?.."

Charisma laughed. "I can't ever escape Keegan.. what the fuck... i've been doing that my whole life ..." she looked around. "No, here's the only legit place that I can be assured he won't come into, unless it's on my terms...

"You have a lot of anger... and it's good that we've moved on to this stage... because you are going to crash your way through every emotion as you work your way through this trauma ... so tell me, Gina...
Charisma's face changed. She screwed up her face as if she had a bad taste in her mouth.
"How does than name make you feel...

"That's his fault too, did you know that... another piece of ass he couldn't keep his dick out of....

Her therapist could see the pent-up anger and stress that going through her at the moment, she had gone from being quiet and withdrawn to being angry.
"OK, so tell me about Keegan and Gina. Let's get that out of your system...

Charisma shook her head. "This is the bullshit you know that, YOU THINK I WANNA FUCKING TALK ABOUT THAT... ABOUT THEM!.."

"Charisma I'm gonna need to ask you to calm down." The therapist said in a soothing tone. " I think it might help you to process your thoughts and your feelings towards this matter.."

Charisma closed her eye and her breathing deepened. "He was fucking her... just like he fucked her mother... why am I never enough for him?.. WHY?.." she went quiet for a while turning over everything in her own mind. "People tell you to forgive and forget, move on... do you know how hard that is... to feel second best to others, to never feel like you fulfil your man... since 21 I've spent my life being abused, attacked, made to feel less than...and although Keegan May have changed... I'm still being abused, I'm still going through shit cos of his actions..."

"You can't hide in prison from him...

"Yeah I can.." she said and the tears fell. "He had a whole side bitch... a fucking stripper called Hunny... he took her away for long weekends, he bought her jewellery and gifts... he took her to expensive dinners....no one knows how much that hurts...she's being treated like his queen. So how can I be his queen?.." she shrugged. "What am I, who am I?.." she said and wiped her eyes. "No one knows how hard it is to be in love with someone who doesn't know how to love me back..." she looked her therapist dead in the eye. "I kill people based on his actions... and there are more people out there that I need to kill.. so in here I'm safer and so are they, and the killing stops.."

Her therapist raised her eyebrows. "What about your kids?."

"I miss them of course I do... I love all of them, but they've got a messed up mama... and they had lived this up and down life with me... I wanted to protect them, but that didn't work instead they saw it, lived it. My twin boys grew up thinking it was normal for a man to punch a woman over and over.. I know they've got issues...I know they will never admit it not now they're grown... Josh especially... he doesn't know what he's supposed to trust... and Arlen, he held his girlfriends head under the water... they all have it in them because they've seen it... me running, dragging them with me... just for Keegan to turn up and suck us all right back in... and the vicious cycle just continues...."

"I know that he is so disgusted in himself for everything... so can you tell me why now?.. why at this point?.."

"Gina.. and what that bitch did to me based on him and her love for him... and then, I went to the rally.." she shook her head. "All these girls shouting his name... they all love him, they don't know him...they all see a different side to him and that's not fair.... And then. This white girl... she took me to the side and told me to my face... that I was no good for him, and that they were getting close, she told me that a few of them were going to go to the cops about me killing Hunny who is still classed as missing ...  she spoke of a set of twins, 2 years old... belonging to a girl called Chauncey.. and they are Keegan's.. he bought her a house in Long Beach.." she looked away from the therapist. "I give up now... I give up..." she said defeated. "Look who I've become.. I kill these girls because I'm so hurt and angry that he can keep doing this to me..."

Her therapist listened intently. "I knew I would go to find her, this Chauncey, I knew Keegan would deny it.. and I wanted to rip this SnowBelle's face off... so the only thing left to do was to take myself away from the situation... and I'm calm, I'm at peace here.." she told her with honesty.
Her therapist could see just how deep this ran with her and she felt for her, but she was adamant she would get her right, she wasn't the best in her field for nothing.


Emily looked at Keegan and Marlon. Dinah sat next to her on the sofa at the trap.
"You spoke to her at the rally.. what the fuck did you say!." Keegan said, his anger on high.

"I said she was not good for you.. cos she isn't.. she killed Hunny... she's a murderer.." she said, she was not understanding the world she was in at all.

"Who told you about Hunny?."

"Leia and Kendra

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"Leia and Kendra... everyone knows... I told your wife we were going to go to the cops... I also told her that although you had the twins with Chauncey... me and you were getting close.." she said worriedly.

"Twins?.. what the fuck are you talking about?." He snapped.

"Chauncey and her baby twins...they're yours.. and you got her that nice expensive house in Long Beach...

"Wow!." Marlon said. "Okay, I need to speak up here... those twins are Phoenix's... I paid for the house when we thought Jenson was dead.. he's living there with her and their twins..."

Emily looked at Keegan and chewed her nails. "I'm sorry!." She said shaking. "The girls said... and you couldn't see your twins because of your murderer wife. She might kill them too.."

Keegan shook his head. "I'm done with all y'all.. burn the fucking club down as far as I'm concerned with all these thirsty ass bitches inside it!." He snapped.
Emily burst into full on tears. Keegan nodded to Dinah and she took her out, knowing what he needed her to do....

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