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"... dad!.."

"Is Angel in there?." Keegan asked. He hated leaving Charisma at the moment but he needed to get to Gina.

"Yeah... Baby G!." She called out.

"Baby G?

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"Baby G?." Keegan said with his face screwed up. "What the hell.."

"It's my pet name for him... he calls me sugar..." she paused. "Actually.. I'm a leave it there.."

"Yeah I think you should!." Keegan said to her and Venice laughed.

"Aww daddy... you know I love making you cringe.." she said and gave her dad a hug.

"You girls get away with way too much from me." He said indulging in the hug. " but I'm going to indulging this hug though."

Angel appeared. "Sup man..."

"Where is Gina?."

"She's in the hold... I had a funny feeling you would be coming so I've held off on doing anything... I did get out of her what she did to Charisma" he looked at Venice, he didn't really want her to know.
Venice took a deep breath and sighed before getting the hint and walking back inside.
"It was sick man... I'm so ashamed... she wanted to belittle her and control her.. she wanted to humiliate her... because she believes that you and her would be together if Charisma wouldn't have intervened...

"Charisma doesn't even know it was her yet... ion even know how to tell her... I need to end Gina, not you or anyone else man...

He nodded. "Yeah you do cos this sick shit she did to her, that is not a daughter that I raised or want in this world." He told him honestly.

"Charisma hasn't told me what happened, she isn't ready...

Angel shook his head. "It made me physically sick.. that I brought someone into the world, that could do that to another woman... I apologise man, I really do... had I known she was going to pull something like this. I would never have saved her ass the first time."

"I'll come to the hold later today... I need to be with C right now.." he said and left.

Angel really was disgusted and ashamed that Gina had been capable of inflicting and causing so much hurt and degradation on another human being. He knew Keegan needed to handle her.


".... So you bought this club?." Nash said to Jenson as they all walked into Wishes. Marlon, Anton, Nash, Jenson, Dinah, Tian and Keegan.
Keegan had reluctantly decided to join everyone else, after Venice and Lani had said they would stay with Charisma and Antonia and make sure that she was safe and happy. He was finding it hard to be away from her at the moment, he didn't want to be far from wherever she was in case she needed him. His protection over her had gone up tenfold.

But the Taylor mafia and Keegan had something to celebrate, they had defeated the Yakuza with the help of Lena the leader who had targeted them for so long was gone. All the accounts had been transferred from Timo into the mafia accounts and split between Nash and Jensen so everyone was happy and a celebration was needed.

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