13. Reminiscing

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Charisma was sleeping, Keegan walked into the room and climbed on to the bed beside her. He watched her chest rise and fall as she slept. He didn't have the first idea of the torture and torment she had endured, no one did. She had lived just over 3 months of pure hell. All he wanted was for her to be well, He just wanted his C back.
He touched her hair gently, and stroked her face. He kissed her hand. He settled in bed next to her and just stared at the ceiling, he couldn't shut off, he had her home but he knew at the moment her eyes and her mind were vacant, she just wasn't there.

Beth opened the door. "Mr Fraser... Miss Lena is here to see you..."

Keegan got up carefully so as not to wake Charisma. He headed down the stairs and he saw Lena and his father standing there.
He laughed. "By the look of you two... you literally fought out yo feelings..."

"Yeah well your father is an ass... I'm here to see my sister...

Keegan stood in front of her. "You can't Lena..

"What, of course I can...

"What, of course I can

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"No, she's sleeping... you don't even know the state that we found her in... she is covered in burns and needle marks... she hasn't spoken, only to ask about Antonia... they hurt her in more ways than one...

"Please let me go and sit with her... I felt her trying to connect to me... I need to see her... I promise.. kid gloves..."

He allowed her to, and then he looked at his father. " so much for making sure she was safe and disappearing off into the sunset..."

"We umm... kicked the shit outta each other.. or rather she kicked the shit outta me... I love that she's tough as hell now... when I think to how she used to be to where she is now...

"But what does this mean though... she's in a relationship with Darren, who is very much in love with her..."

"That depends on Lena... but, I'm going back to the island.. I won't stand in her way... I just need to scare the living shit outta my daughters and give them a wake up call."

"Funny that, cos that was exactly what I was gonna do." Keegan said.
They continued to talk.


Lena sat on the bed and looked at Charisma, her eyes were flickering and she was restless, her REM sleep making her relive her ordeal.
Her breathing deepened, she started to move in bed.
"No... no.... Please... no... noooooo....

"Charisma... Charisma... it's me,.. it's Lena..."

Charisma could barely catch her breath. She was sweating as Keegan ran into the room after he could hear her from downstairs. Lena looked at him. "It was just a bad dream."

Charisma reached her hand for her sister's and held it like her life depended on it. "Please don't let them hurt me..."

"I won't.. never again... they're gone, you'll never see them again... I promise.."

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