14. A hot night

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Nash flopped back on to his side of the bed. He looked at Sasha, they had been at each other for the past couple of hours. The guilt hit Nash suddenly and he realised this angelic like woman no longer had a son, he had taken him away from her just as quickly as he had been introduced to him.
He sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed his hands over his head.
"Marcus are you okay?." She asked him.

"Everything I touch turns to shit!

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"Everything I touch turns to shit!." He said. "You're better off staying as far away from me as possible Sasha.."

"I don't want to.. I wanna be closer to you... don't you get it I always have.. we have a son together...

He closed his eyes. "Did you have any idea what Amil was doing?.. job wise!.."

"He's a salesman... and I'm so proud of him... black men in America rarely make it,.. but he really made something of himself.. he's got a nice house, nice car... now I just want to see him settle down with a good girl... and have kids..." she smiled.

"Sasha, he was a salesman but not for anything legal.."

Sasha stared at him with her brow furrowed. "What the hell do you mean... what are you trying to say... I know my own son!..."

"He bought and sold women into sexual slavery... teenage girls too... his job was to break them, so they became compliant and docile for their potential owners...

Sasha got up and she stormed around standing in front of Nash. "How fucking dare you!... you say this shit about my son... yet Twain is man of the year... you don't even know Amil!."

"He was keeping a woman in the basement of his home..

Sasha went quiet and then she slapped Nash from nowhere. "Screw you Marcus Taylor... I'm a see my son and tell him to stay the fuck away from you...

"He's dead!."
She almost fell to the ground as he said that, he caught her as her legs turned to jelly.

"No. Please don't tell me that...

"He was keeping a woman as a sex slave against her will... he was ill treating her.. tell me how you think I or any half decent human being can stand back and let that happen.." he said to her.

She looked at him. "You killed him... our son!.. YOU KILLED HIM!.."

"I had to...

"You didn't have to do anything... you're his father you could have talked to him...

"He was past that and proud of his work... he enjoyed torturing women!.."

Sasha cried and cried she couldn't believe what he was telling her.


Lena shut the door of her place, she turned immediately to Jenson. It took seconds but she was on him, she tore at his shirt and unbuckled his belt like a woman possessed. She couldn't stop kissing him and he barely had to do a thing as she was all over him. She pulled his shirt off of him and she looked at him, she had missed that body, the chemistry was intense.
Jenson lifted her dress over her hips and tore her thong off as if it was nothing. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, still kissing him, her arms wrapped around his neck.

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