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"... C... baby... I'm sorry...it's a reaction that I have to you... when you're around me.. Lil guy down there gets a lil excited... it's what you do to me baby..." Keegan said as he walked into the bedroom.

"I umm... it's not your fault... don't ever think that I don't want you because I do so much... but I just can't yet..

"I know... I'll take a cold shower... morning's are my horny time you know that... and being so close to you holding you like that meant that he thought it was time for action..." he held her hand. He sighed. "I'm not pushing you to do anything..."

"I guess it is good to know that I still get you that way just by being close to you.." she smiled faintly.

He nodded. "Yeah... you always have, you probably are the only woman who doesn't even need to touch me and he still decides to stand up for you literally..." he paused. "How are you feeling about therapy today?.."

" I know you're gonna be there and today will be the day that you hear some things, not everything because I'm not ready to divulge everything in front of you just yet... I just want you to keep my love for you with you at all times because some of this is gonna blow your mind and... I understand your reasons for not telling me that this was Gina....

"You know?.."

"Venice let the cat out of the bag so to speak because she thought that I knew who my captor was, she didn't do it on purpose

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"Venice let the cat out of the bag so to speak because she thought that I knew who my captor was, she didn't do it on purpose..."

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to hate me and I didn't want you to feel worse for what had happened to you knowing who it was..."

"The thing is I know that this isn't on you, I've learned so much about you in the time that we were together up until this happened... You were a very complex man and you have a very complex illness... And I have seen a remarkable change in you, I have finally got the man that I have always wanted in you..."

He smiled. "and I finally realised what it is to be loved by a good woman. And to nurture and protect that love... it's taken me a long time to get to where I am today Charisma and we have been over many bumps and potholes in the road.... Yet we're still here and I still love you and we will continue to fight this fight together for as long as it takes..."

"Gina should've been dead, but what I'm really hoping is that you will allow me to kill her and you won't take that away from me... The only way that I'm gonna get peace from any of this is if I know I've hurt her and made her pay for what she did to me before I see her take her last breath..." she told him

"I didn't offer you that opportunity because I didn't think you would want to take it... She is in the hold, to be honest I don't want to see her face again because I won't be able to hold back this time... I very much want you to get yo payback, you let me know when you're ready and she's all yours.."

A new Dawn - Forever Changed Where stories live. Discover now