27. Confide

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Keegan suddenly got up and left the therapy session, he was in his feelings after hearing everything that had happened to Charisma and how she felt about things it had left him deep in his emotions. Charisma looked at her therapist and she started to cry and shake, her hands were shaking.
"Charisma what is wrong?.."

"This is it... this is what he does!... he can't take it.. he'll go and find a random bitch and have sex... this is what he does...

The therapist stayed calm. "I don't think that's what he is doing.. he is now having to process.. just like you're learning to process... have faith.. he opened himself to you today to... I just think you need to trust him..."

She swallowed hard. "What part do you think made him walk out?."

"I think everything came on top.. he's hearing all of what happened to you for the first time.. as well as your feelings about him... he was already anxious and apprehensive when he walked in I could tell by his body language.." she smiled. "You carry on communicating like this you and him are gonna be just fine and you're gonna be back to your old self before you know it..."


"Keegan... what's this I wasn't expecting to see you?"

Keegan looked at Jenson. "I just feel like I need to talk to someone..

"Well come in, and tell me what's going on." Jenson said stepping aside to let him in to Lena's place. He could see his son was troubled.

They walked through to the lounge and sat down. "I umm.. had a therapy session with Charisma and her therapist today..." he shook his head. "I could have lost her dad... I didn't think I would ever see her again..."

"It's gonna hit you when you least expect it

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"It's gonna hit you when you least expect it.. especially learning what she went through... for a man, especially her man.. to hear that she had been hurt and in pain caused by someone else and you weren't there to stop it or protect her... that's gonna gut you..." Jenson said.

"....  I see this woman, like I've never seen her before and I see how much I've broken her and fixed her over the years over and over again. I have the most beautiful, strong and amazing wife and all I've ever done until recently is fuck with her on an epic scale.... Why the hell would I do that? Why would the hell would I break my own heart because that's what she is Dad? She is my heart..." Keegan said.

"Son, we've or been trying to tell you this for years... You have taken beatings from me, and from Nash for the way that you've treated her and you've never been able to get it in yo head... that was the reason why we did that the reason why we shut you out and protected her... you could've killed that woman numerous times, and you almost did numerous times... it's the reason we stepped into yo relationship which is something that I didn't want to do, but I also wasn't gonna sit back and let you kill her."

"Hearing her today and the things she said, she's still right there by my side.. and I'm so lucky" he said with tears in her eyes. " I'm gonna make it perfect, she's never gonna want for anything ever again. I'm gonna be that man I should've been from the beginning.... I've had many a pussy over the years and rubbed her nose in it... I've seen her tears and her pain and just cast it aside... i've got to be on my A game now I cannot let anything like that ever happen again.."

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