26. Therapy

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"... V?... you okay?."

Venice looked at Julian and then she walked on inside. "what the hell happened!" She said to her sister.

Lani looked at her confused. "what do you mean?"

" everybody has seen the fights dot you and Charlotte...


"Jayrah... she filmed it and sent it to her cousins on their group chat... Mitchell showed me and I sure as hell know that the rest of them has shown their parents right now.... which means that all your brothers and sisters know that you've been fighting... What the hell happened Lani?."

Lani shook her head

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Lani shook her head. "She came here to see Julian... She thought that I wouldn't be here, this is something that she seems to do all the fucking time... I'm sick of it so we came to blows , I accidentally let it slip that I know who her man is now involved with... cos he's got himself a new girl and that is another one of our sisters... Harlow..."

"Oh my god!." Venice said put in her hand to her head, shaking her head in disbelief. " what the hell would she do that for?...? Charlotte is still our sister.... okay, granted she is annoying and everybody realises that... But she's blood and that was her man and now Harlow is fucking with him..."

"i'm more interested in the fact that she has got something for my man... And it bothers me Venice because she doesn't seem to feel any way about it... turning up at my house hoping that I'm not here so she can cry to him and be comforted by him and the dumbass allows it because he's too fucking nice..."

"I heard that!." Julian said.

"But it's true Julian, you don't seem to see it... You just feel like you need to be nice.."

"I told you I treat her no differently than I would treat Venice or Thea...

"But we don't need to come to you like that, she is after you it's been a long time that we all know she likes you Julian." Venice said.

"Aite... I hear all of you now okay, I will stay away from Charlotte and I will send her back and if she comes near me... My eyes are Lani only why would it be for anyone else.. she's beautiful" he said and winked at her.

"I cannot believe that the kids videoed it and shared it... that is hilarious, I am beginning to rethink them having this family group chat." Venice said.

"Oh god!." Lani said as her phone rang and she could see that it was her dad's name on the display.
"Hey daddy...I love you..

"I bet you do... what the hell are y'all doing!.. I saw the video Lani...why are you and Charlotte fighting like two ho's in a strip club over a dollar bill?.."

"She got a thing for Julian and she keeps showing up at the house to see him, hoping that I'm not here.."

"For real?."

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